Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I just put 8 mixed eggs under my hen this afternoon. She has been broody for a week. I am hoping that she stays on them long enough for them to hatch. This is my first broody hen and her first time.

Fun, Fun. I LOVED doing this for the first time last August. I also started with 8 mixed eggs and ended up with 4 hens and 1 roo and am now getting nice little eggs. I wish you lots of chicks and a good experience.
I'm waiting for my Cochin to start laying......<looking at watch emoticon>
I have another hen I think might actually go broody too.

I have two pullets and a cockerel for my brooding flock (AKA "my nice flock", yes, the other hens and roo are "the mean flock", anyway...).
I put a nursery pot full of pine straw in their coop; I'll probably put a display box I got from Sam's in there too, in a different corner, JIC they don't like the location of the nursery pot or don't like it for some other reason. I'll have to get two golf balls from DS to put in them.
I hope they start laying soon!!! And I hope they go broody soon after that!!! =)
My frizzled Serama has been sitting on an egg and a golf ball for a couple of weeks now. I candled the egg and it was clear, so I took one of the EE eggs out of the incubator and gave it to her. Can't wait to see that little puff ball with her chick! I wonder if she will notice that her "baby" is bigger than her with in a couple of weeks!
She gets off of them to eat and drink but then goes back on them but when I have caught her off of them I have felt them and they don't feel as warm as they did previously! Just worried about the ambient temperature.... Supposed to get back up to above freezing by Sunday!
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