Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

So we are now 5 and a half weeks old and broody mama is more of a stinker than ever. Now, none of the other birds are allowed even within the vicinity of the coop. Is it typical for broody mamas to get more territorial as the chicks get older? We free-range during the day - weather permitting. 8' x 12' coop. 23 hens/pullets including broody mama. (I have to cage her and the babies in the evening or no one else would be allowed inside.
Congrats on the coming babies.
I'm new to this too but I would say don't candle this late in the game. I wouldn't even mess with Momma now. They should be hatching anytime. If she keeps peeking under her you may already have some babies. We all love pics here....hint hint.

if i can i will defently post some pics its now day 21 and they shud be hatching anytime now and no there arent any chicks yet i cant hear any peeping which is worrying
Congrats on the coming babies.
I'm new to this too but I would say don't candle this late in the game. I wouldn't even mess with Momma now. They should be hatching anytime. If she keeps peeking under her you may already have some babies. We all love pics here....hint hint.

if i can i will defently post some pics its now day 21 and they shud be hatching anytime now and no there arent any chicks yet i cant hear any peeping which is worrying

if this is day 21 you might want to do some candling tomorrow or the next day if you don't hear any peeping, but hopefully you will.

is mama real laid back enough to let you check an egg to listen and look to see if any have pipped? some are some aren't.
Thanks for the advice.
We went out last night and took her off the nest and tried to get her to eat and poo, she was definitely happy about that. So we quick candled and even though they are pretty dark eggs I could see a nice dark middle so looks like both eggs are good. Hubby built a little pen today and we'll move her tonight.
Then today my daughter and hubby called to tell me our Polish laid her first egg
so now I need another brooder

Isn't it amazing to see all that movement inside the eggs? I candled my 2nd broody's eggs yesterday (day 8)h this time using a mini LED flashlight. I was shocked at what I saw compared to the other light I used last time! DD and I were just ooohing and ahhhing at the little globs moving inside. I am so impressed that you were able to pull refrigerator eggs and it worked! Congrats.

Thanks! My kids love it too, but it will be DH who will want to come watch with me when I peek again after Day 10!! I left the one that looked clear under her for now and figure I'll check it again later. She's been so good letting me check her and the eggs that I don't want to upset her more than necessary, but I have noticed that egg seems to spend the most time on the outside edge of the nest so maybe she already suspects.

I think its really cool too that the refridgerated egg(s) are developing! Hopefully it didn't hurt them. I don't really need a two headed chick or one with extra eyeballs...

I'll bet you're right about Momma already knowing what's moving and shaking under her and what's not. I think a peek again after day 10 is still a good idea. I peeked again today at mine, day 10, and it looks like all 8 eggs are good. Wowza! The difference between shipped eggs and drive-to-get-em eggs is huge. I'm grateful now that I didn't put all 12 under her.
I'm also sending good thoughts your way so you don't end up with Halloween Fridge Chicks.
I have a strong feeling all will be well.
Slurrywidow, thanks for the good thought!! No two headed alien chickens!! (though one of my 4 yo sons wants to live on mars when he's older!) good luck with yours too! What breed did you get for her to hatch?

JennK, congratulations on your eggs! Isn't it cool to see those chick spots in the eggs?! It was a little like going to the drs for an ultrasound!!

Tanichca, congratulations on your broody! I've heard silkies make great mothers!

Rachel, those are the cutest escapees!! You can totally hear mamma saying, "alright now! You've had your fun. Now get back in here this instant or I'll come and get you myself!!"

Miss Lydia, I haven't seen you in the hallway this week! What's up?!
How adorable!

You just can't be cross at anything that cute!!!!

Mine are still doing it at 14 weeks!

I just keep reminding myself that Mamma knows best, and chickens were chickens long before people cared for them.
Even though it gives me terrific panic when I see them out doing all they do!

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