Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Actually when I said "protected" I was referring to the owl. Meaning it's a protected bird and I can't shoot it? It came back at 5am. Ugg! Need Sleep! Oh Video on the way!

If the guineas are protected then the owl can't get to them right? and congrats on getting mama to accept the eggs, My first time broody she just turned 1, is doing an awesome job, I think the key is to not over whelm them with too many eggs to sit on and hatch. just my opinon though. Keep us updated and hope we can see the video..
Well we found something interesting in the corner nest box this morning. Actually 4 of them, kittens!
Our barn cat had kittens in the corner nest box and no one seemed to care. When I checked on them this afternoon there was an egg in there with them. I'm guessing it was laid while mom was up at the house around lunch time. DH said we should move them so the chickens won't attack them. I seriously doubt mom would let that happen, or maybe it hasn't occured to her. I know they were no worse the experience of sharing with the hen that laid the egg.
That pen is pretty quiet, there are EE's and Welsumers in there who take turns free ranging. We have seen the two barn cats sleeping in the nest boxes before, so I can't say I'm surprised she picked that spot. It is very cute tho.

Awww! I would love to see pictures too! What was going through that chickens mind when she laid an egg on kittens?! "oh what a warm and fuzzy nest"
This is my first time trying to do a video but here goes, this is my white silkie Phoebe. I am giving her some eggs after finding her on a nest of 12 eggs that were all unfertile. I gave her 7 eggs total. 5 are from my father in law and they could be pure bantam blue cochin or 1/2 bantam cochin and 1/2 mixed laying hen. The other 2 eggs are 1/2 RIR or Black Australorp and Guinea. I hope those hatch. I want to see what they look like. :D I hope this video works.
The Party Rock continues to sit. My question is-- If the eggs (4) are up to 48 hours apart in development, will she sit through all? Or stop waiting?

If I partition off maybe three of the egg stalls (leaving one for the others), will she be more inclined to hatch the later ones too?
this might be a stupid question but i seen someone mention that they save fertile eggs while they observe if there chicken is going to sit on her clutch. How do you save the eggs? is there a special way to do that? and how long can you save them?
this might be a stupid question but i seen someone mention that they save fertile eggs while they observe if there chicken is going to sit on her clutch. How do you save the eggs? is there a special way to do that? and how long can you save them?

Hi there, I'm going through my first hatch, so I don't have experience, but I've done a lot of reading in this thread and around. The consensus seems to be that you can hold fertile eggs in a cool location for up to about a week before putting them under her.

I think... right peeps?

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