Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Have a little fizzle go broody on 5 eggs (not hers) added 2 buff orp eggs- removed her and eggs to another cage she was so faithful, had to pick her up and give her something to eat a couple of times or she would not move...hatched 5 of the 7..1 buff and 4 RIRs - removed the 2 unhatched eggs. next am was at the feed store came home with 3 astrolorpe chicks...that evening (9:30) gently put the chicks one by one under her as she slept...next morning they (all 8 ) were under her - on top of her and happy -happy...so am I..Ha. My concern is re-introducing her to flock because she has been seperated, they can see and walk by her when they are free ranging. Game hen sitting on 12 eggs..Made a cage IN the coop for her . She can see and be with the flock but SEPERATED so the other hens cannot add to the eggs..read about this on BYC so pray it works...will see who comes back in easier...Fizzle or Game hen...any comments would be appreciated.....My first time with all this.....G
This is my first time, so I won't be much help. But just want to say, CONGRATULATIONS!
Ok, I placed 6 easter egger eggs under my banty girl last night around 7pm. It seemed a reasonable number for her to keep warm. I had 9 to choose from, so I used the biggest and cleanest ones.
I hope she takes good care of them!

edited to add:
PS- my avatar is the broody girl.
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Aw.. I love her color. She looks sweet.

Since my second broody is possibly a habitual egg eater, I am going to isolate the first broody and set most of the eggs under her, then leave the second one where she is and put the rest under her. How many is a reasonable number for a young LF Ameraucana cross to set? Is 10 or 11 too many? Even though she is half Marans, her size is closer to Ameraucana. It is also about 90 degrees in the nest box with the heat and humidity down here. Really they would probably just hatch themselves if I went in and turned them every day.
hey congratulations to azhenhouse!!!! how precious, and kingsfarm great hatches, and as far as free ranging, my mamas take their little ones all over. they know what to do!!
I cant wait for my silkies to go broody...I have one already showing signs but she is not spending all day sitting on her eggs. She is spending alot of time but not all day so I am hoping that soon she will!!!
I had a Gold Laced Cornish go Broody and raise three chicks. One of my best Broodies ever.
Miss Lydia,
Thought i would try to post these photos. Not very adept at photos yet. They will show the portion of the coop I used for her and the babies and also how small she is with my other chicks which include 3 silkies born about the same time. The much larger chicks are the same age but they are standard EE's.

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