Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Ah, thanks! LOL at Mike Rowe. And wow at McMurray... So THAT'S what the breeder was trying to explain about the feathers. Well, either way, it's going to stay a part of the flock. I normally work late and sleep in, but I think I'll be running out to see the fuzzy early.
I usually just wait until 3 weeks old, by then I can generally guess the sex based on behavior and comb growth. My silkies I guessed correctly based on their topknots. The roo had extra wisps of feathers sticking off the back of his head. The pullet had a nice round doo. Also he was always walking around with his head upright, she would tuck hers down. That was before I trimmed their topknots so they could both see better. I've read that the feather sexing only works for certain hatchery born chicks, but it may be worth a try. Hope you have better success getting pullets the I, my last five I fear are all roosters. Only two I can't tell have pea combs. But since they have smaller pea combs I'm hoping they are pullets. Their actions say otherwise, time will tell.
Im keeping all my roos.... eventually in a bachelor pen Right now I have four adult roos and one hen in a pen All are under 5 months. The hen is an Auracana but she isnt ready to lay yet.... getting close. Once I see an egg from her she and her Auracana roo will go into a partition of her own. And five Welsummer roos not yet crowing in with 14 welsummer pullets under two months. I love the doodle doos even the late night ones. Hopefully by next year I too will be doing broodie announcements..... hee hee.


I miss my other roosters :( they had such great crows. But they were getting a little rough on the girls since i have so few pullets. I don't have the room or right zoning to keep so many otherwise I would. The crow offs are fun to listen to.
Had an overly dramatic evening. I left a bowl of diluted bleach water in the kitchen sink to soak and pretty much forgot about it. Later my 9yo special needs son got a 6oz plastic cup and went to the fridge to get water. He's allowed to do that. He drank some then he went to the sink. The next thing we see him in the sink playing with his cup that is empty. Then my DH went to see what he was doing and my DS started vomiting and gasping for breathe. That's when I remembered the bowl had bleach in it. I dumped it down the drain and called 911. They came in just about 4 minutes. He had vomited it out by then and began breathing fine. But I can tell you, I was a wreck. Knowing I almost killed our son, even by accident is pretty hard to take. The EMTs were so good with him, and with me.
So thankful he's doing fine now. He's finally resting and he's been hydrated again. But wow, I just thank the Lord He was watching over us. Way more drama then my 50yo heart needs. I much prefer the drama of watching my chickens attacking bugs and treats.

Wow I am so thankful he's okay and you too. and those EMT's they are awesome.
We have about 65 layers right now, White Leghorns and Red Loman(or whatever they call them). Believe it or not the Leghorns are the most likely to go broody.
it seems there is always at least one and right now there is 3. it's too early to let them set now, we've still got 3 ft. of snow and below freezing temperatures.

WOW 3' of snow? and we are complaining about frost. lol well come back when their sitting we love to hear from ya'll.
I just watched those sexing videos, what I got out of it is it's amazing to me how those chicks made it out alive the way they tossed and squeezed on them. lol
He's back to the same old Cody this morning. Happily eating his cereal and watching Netflix. HAHA!

Here are my 4 favorite nonChicken peeps at the Air & Space Museum in Dulles, VA - Cody is the one crouching in the window.

Good for Cody. Nice pic too. 3 boys well actually 4 boys I bet you are a well loved mom!

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