Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

So where would the wyandotte "sit" haha sorry on the broody list?

so according to my chicken encyclopedia they are "somewhat" broody, but I think that it depends on the chicken- it says that orpingtons are very broody and mine have shown absolutely no signs of coming close to being broody.
Nice! Mine are on day 9 (chicken eggs).

I can't wait to see what I get. These eggs were given to me by a friend. The rooster is supposedly an Ameraucana ( I saw him -he is gorgeous) and the hens were cochins and barred rocks. I must have already mentioned all this, but I am so excited.

Good luck with your hatch!
I have 3 buff orps now that are fairly young but I was hoping to get one of them broody at some point as well. Nothing like being a part of nature on its own...


She left the nest with the 2 chicks that hatched yesterday. I gave her the two early hatchets from the brooder and put the left eggs in the incubator. I will candle tonight.

My hen with her brood of 8! I got fertile eggs for her to hatch from a farm, but was surprised to find a chick in the nest on day 14! So I went back and bought some chicks to slip under her and thank goodness she has accepted them. I won't be giving this farm business ever again. I was supposed to be getting freshly laid eggs which obviously wasn't the case if one of their hens had the chance to set on the eggs for a week.
All the chicks weren't happy with the weather today. The two big ones were wanting to go to bed at like 2 but the mother was having none of them and took them back out and Bella's chick was just peeping and wouldn't eat, so bella took it into the shed and warmed it up so I put some food in and it ate in the end!


I love Bella's chick so much! Think I will have to keep it regardless of sex!


My orp is so good with the stink eyes



Eek! So happy! Just checked on my broody hen and she now has 4 chicks! ( It's been three days since the first one hatched) Two were still wet, but the others were fluffy and full of adorable-ness! As soon as they all dry, and start moving around, I'll post pics. She's such a good mama!

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