Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Generally, no matter the comb type, early pink is a sign of a male. Pullets generally stay yellow or at most a peachy-yellow. If you have pink and deepening red, almost certainly a roo.

Post some pics and we'll help...good head shots and body shots...if you can of the chicks.

Lady of McCamley

I will see if I can get some pics tomorrow. They don't much like it tho, lol.
We have a couple inches of snow on the ground & it was 2'F last night. More snow coming tonight & temps will drop to -11'F on Wed. Yet, my silly bantam orpington thinks it's a good time to start a family!!! I had to put her to bed on the roost tonight after spending a few hours in the nest box. My daughter & I are very excited about her 4H project using broody hens vs incubators, but January is NOT the time to start. Hopefully she'll be a good volunteer when the weather gets warmer. I opened the run yesterday during the snowfall. Instead of the usual rush of chickens, I saw a head peak out & go back in, then another.... and another. Even after I called & waited with my camera ready to get those 1st pics of chickens in the snow, none came out. Not even a single chicken footprint in the snow. And, all my breeds are supposed to be "winter hardy." I didn't bother offering free range time today. They'll be fine in the coop/run during this cold snap. [COLOR=696969]"Does she seriously expect us to walk through snow for our treats?"[/COLOR]
Haha! I love seeing pics of chickens in snow, we don't get it here.:lau
Yeah, how many & any pictures yet?

All four hatched on day 19, 3 blonde's and 1 dark with barring.



Right now we're at -2'F (Feels like -29 with wind chill.)
Tonight we'll drop to -10'F (less wind) and then we'll finally start to heat up. We should be back into the double digits by this weekend! Chicago winters are fun!

My flock is in an insulated coop (no heater) & has 2 attached runs. The tall run has home made clear vinyl sheeting windows but I didn't have time to make the run extension "look pretty." I simply stapled up some plastic sheeting. The sun helps heat the runs like a green house.

As you saw in my former post, my girls refuse to go out in the snow. I put a roost next to the "windows" so they can look outside & get warm in the sun.

My favorite feature (especially today) is my heated waterer. I put a submergible heater inside a 5 gal bucket with horizontal chicken nipples. Water stays liquid as well as clean. I also made a treadle feeder for similar reasons.

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