Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Olivia has been back and forth with her chicks since I posted that she had pushed them out on their own. I wonder if that dab of snow we got caused this. One time when I check she is with them and the next time she is not....she doesn't seem to call them to roost at nite but when they go into the coop she allows them to stay beside her and tries to cover two of them with her wings.

But the most exciting thing is that this morning I saw her in a nest and she left me a beautiful olive egg!

Jessica continues to take good care of her two babies and is more assertive than I had thought at first. I have seen her snip at the other birds quite a bit when they get too close....which must be hard because those two chicks show no fear and stay right in the midst of the flock except when they go off for a warm up with mama. I am still amazed at their hardiness. They are so cute! I wish I was better at picture taking.
Olivia has been back and forth with her chicks since I posted that she had pushed them out on their own. I wonder if that dab of snow we got caused this. One time when I check she is with them and the next time she is not....she doesn't seem to call them to roost at nite but when they go into the coop she allows them to stay beside her and tries to cover two of them with her wings.

But the most exciting thing is that this morning I saw her in a nest and she left me a beautiful olive egg!

Jessica continues to take good care of her two babies and is more assertive than I had thought at first. I have seen her snip at the other birds quite a bit when they get too close....which must be hard because those two chicks show no fear and stay right in the midst of the flock except when they go off for a warm up with mama. I am still amazed at their hardiness. They are so cute! I wish I was better at picture taking.
I love watching momma hens with their chicks...it is a joy.

Sounds like you've got 2 very good mommas.

I love watching momma hens with their chicks...it is a joy.

Sounds like you've got 2 very good mommas.


I think they are good. It would be nicer in warm weather ......I could sit outside and watch them more. But with the winter chicks the pullets should be laying before next fall/winter. Waiting to see if jessica's are pullets, lol.
i have an open question i could use some help on, my broody started attacking the lone chick she hatched out (Christmas weekend) yesterday (blood has been drawn) for no reason at first it was just a few lite pecks on his body then yesterday night she started pulling the fluff down out from his head and neck causing a bleeder i used some Vaseline to cover the wound and i separated him from the flock. What is going on? i have watched my grams hens ween chicks but they never weaned them so Early (the chick is 7 weeks old) and so violently. I'm going to be getting in some more chicks soon should i look into getting rid of the hen?
i have an open question i could use some help on, my broody started attacking the lone chick she hatched out (Christmas weekend) yesterday (blood has been drawn) for no reason at first it was just a few lite pecks on his body then yesterday night she started pulling the fluff down out from his head and neck causing a bleeder i used some Vaseline to cover the wound and i separated him from the flock. What is going on? i have watched my grams hens ween chicks but they never weaned them so Early (the chick is 7 weeks old) and so violently. I'm going to be getting in some more chicks soon should i look into getting rid of the hen?
That is aggressive, and I too would worry about using that hen to mother again, unless she has been a tried and true faithful for many hatches and this seems to be a very odd out of place occurrence...still not good.

7 weeks is within the "normal" range that they "wean" or fledge, but a few head pecks to say "don't bother me now" is all it takes. If she is drawing blood, that is beyond what should be done. She may for some reason not like this little roo...perhaps he's gotten aggressive with her (????). Is he ill or some deformity? (Sometimes they others just know and it is often the reason for violent hazing). Were they confined in a small area and she could not get away from the little roo?

At any rate you've done what is needed to be done and separated the little guy for now. I would give him a very, very close health check to make sure he is not harboring some disease the others are trying to haze out.

And yes, if this is her first time mothering (or she is a newer mother) I would personally not jump to use her again. She may not be trustworthy.


Repeated post to cover my friends on both brooding threads:

Yes.....my new brooding queen who is replacing (sadly) my faithful lost Oma-San has gone broody! The previous owner says she is a rock from day 1, even if moved (she won't be), has never abandoned a clutch or chick...so I don't need to wait

Sooooo, I just put in an order for 3 Isbar and 2 OE (Marans/Isabar) hatching eggs to my favorite breeder to pick up Wednesday!

The bantam Cochin maids in waiting are confused as to why the Silkie has switched to staying all the time on that nest...they were trying to dog pile tonight. I may have to put in one of my dividers if they look like they'll be causing problems...but I hope they will get the idea from the Silkie and perhaps co-brood....although I think they are too young...must be about 5 to 6 months of age....

New learning curve again with all new hens.

Anyway...keeping my fingers crossed...I *think* I'm back in business brooding again

Lady of McCamley
Repeated post to cover my friends on both brooding threads:

Yes.....my new brooding queen who is replacing (sadly) my faithful lost Oma-San has gone broody! The previous owner says she is a rock from day 1, even if moved (she won't be), has never abandoned a clutch or chick...so I don't need to wait

Sooooo, I just put in an order for 3 Isbar and 2 OE (Marans/Isabar) hatching eggs to my favorite breeder to pick up Wednesday!

The bantam Cochin maids in waiting are confused as to why the Silkie has switched to staying all the time on that nest...they were trying to dog pile tonight. I may have to put in one of my dividers if they look like they'll be causing problems...but I hope they will get the idea from the Silkie and perhaps co-brood....although I think they are too young...must be about 5 to 6 months of age....

New learning curve again with all new hens.

Anyway...keeping my fingers crossed...I *think* I'm back in business brooding again

Lady of McCamley
Sooooo excited for you! I know when I lost my silkie mix last year (one brood after another...a real machine) I was devastated. Although my brahmas brood, they aren't nearly as determined as my silkie mix was. So, I'm kind of stuck with the incubator for the moment.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Here's hoping for you...........

Is this chick an only chick or does it have siblings? I'm wondering if it's an only chick and it doesn't have hatch mates to snuggle up to, that's why it's sticking close to the broody even when she's clearly telling him to go. It may be that he has become too reliant on her and isn't ready to go it alone, so not necessarily the broody's fault that he isn't heeding her message and she's having to be harder on him to get it across. As Lady of McCamley says you have done the right thing by removing him but I wouldn't necessarily give the broody a black mark for it.
My best broody is a wonderful mother until the day she fledges them and then she is positively mean. They get the message pretty quick, but if your lad is a "billy no mates" it will be much harder to go it alone especially after 1on1 attention for so long. I think perhaps he is more a victim of circumstance than the broody if that is the case.
Repeated post to cover my friends on both brooding threads:

Yes.....my new brooding queen who is replacing (sadly) my faithful lost Oma-San has gone broody! The previous owner says she is a rock from day 1, even if moved (she won't be), has never abandoned a clutch or chick...so I don't need to wait

Sooooo, I just put in an order for 3 Isbar and 2 OE (Marans/Isabar) hatching eggs to my favorite breeder to pick up Wednesday!

The bantam Cochin maids in waiting are confused as to why the Silkie has switched to staying all the time on that nest...they were trying to dog pile tonight. I may have to put in one of my dividers if they look like they'll be causing problems...but I hope they will get the idea from the Silkie and perhaps co-brood....although I think they are too young...must be about 5 to 6 months of age....

New learning curve again with all new hens.

Anyway...keeping my fingers crossed...I *think* I'm back in business brooding again :weee :fl  

Lady of McCamley

Yay!! I hope all goes well. Keep us posted.

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