Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I have 18 chickens all pure of different breeds and 4 Khaki Campbell females and no one will sit on eggs. I've sacrificed several dozen eggs hoping one of the girls would go broody but I think the trait has been bred out of many of the breeds. Will be looking for a Silkie or other to take into the flock. Any suggestions for breeds or Xs that are like to sit on and hatch a clutch?
You could try black breasted reds. They are very tinny but mine is the first to go broody this year. So you could try them. and they don't peak you if you want to candle the eggs. well mine does not. she just complains. she pecked me once but it was not hard like she was warning me.It did not even heart.
Thank you for your suggestion. Black Breasted Reds are new to me. Sounds exotic.
I don't think a sweet tiny bird will work in our run since all our girls are heavies laying extra large eggs and the ducks who lay even bigger eggs. Could be amusing to watch but might be frustrating for the Little Broody. TY, -DB
Thank you for your suggestion. Black Breasted Reds are new to me. Sounds exotic.
I don't think a sweet tiny bird will work in our run since all our girls are heavies laying extra large eggs and the ducks who lay even bigger eggs. Could be amusing to watch but might be frustrating for the Little Broody. TY, -DB
You might want to see if you can find a LF Cochin that comes from a broody line. I have 1 that hatched 5 chicks last winter just a month after starting to lay. She was an excellent mother and had no problem holding her own and protecting her chicks even though she was the bottom of the pecking order when she went broody.
Sharpies are fine, the mark lasts long and is easy to see. You just can't use those old fashioned markers, the ones that made you high just using them, I don't even know if they are sold anymore.
Well the last week or so in Broodyville has taught me much. For starters I will never have the ladies have eggs set to hatch so close together without setting them all the same day.
Storm hatched 3 out of 4 of the Orps eggs on 3/28 (the 4th pipped and died) and Jasmine promptly abandoned her clutch to help care for Storms chicks. Sky eagerly added Jasmines eggs to her clutch (which were 1 week ahead so the newer eggs were taken out and put in the bator with a batch due the same time) Twin #1 hatched 5 out of 7 on 4/3 but we lost several. Sky hatched her chicks on Wednesday and Thursday but refused to leave the nest since she kept stealing the eggs from Twin #2 whos batch hatched on Saturday - luckly I keep food and water within reach of the nest so the older chicks were able to eat. Sky and Twin #2 are co-brooding their chicks. Elsa (the one lady not broody also tried to steal Twin #2's chicks as they hatched. Twin #1 isn't that good of a mother even though she sat wonderfully and her chicks seem to rotate between her and Sky & Twin#2. And mites were found in the coop yesterday morning prompting a complete clean out and de-lousing.
In the future - hatchs will be timed so that I can be home on hatch day and either set the same day or a minimum of 1 week apart to avoid the "chick jealousy". And I'll be sectioning up the nesting box with permanent dividers and "doors" that I can lock them in with to avoid the interuptions on hatch day.
And they say broodies are easier than bators...
My broody left her nest for about an hour today. The eggs were still slightly warm when I noticed so I stuck them under my other broody hen. Will they be ok? How long can the hen be off without damaging the eggs? She's now back on her nest and sitting beautifully again. Also I'm getting some day old chicks this week have any of you had hens accept them if you give them to her at night?
One of my OEG broody bantams abandoned her nest :-( I tried putting her back 2x, but she is not interested. She went in to share a nest with one of the other bantam broodies. I tried to put as many of her abandoned eggs undrer another hen who eggs are about the same age. 6 eggs were left abandoned. They were at day 16. Heartbreaking. I hope she changed her mind and gets back in her own nest :-(

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