Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Another questions for you experts - If I keep the chicks in the brooder until tomorrow night will it be to late to try and put them back with Mamas? It would be 2 days in the brooder.
It will be iffy.... the chicks get used to the bright light providing warmth, not a dark broody belly.... it would be better if you were using a Brinsea type heat source, or a homemade heater pad broody imitator (a piece of wire fence bent in a shallow arc holding up a heating pad). With them being under a light you will need to spend a bit of time making sure that they understand how to dive under the broody for warm ups.
The sooner you can get them back to mama the better the chances.
I think that is great. I have heard that a goose can not be relocated once she goes broody, that you have to let her set in the nest of her choosing?

Yeah, I don't think she'd take to a new nest if I moved hers. She'll let me fuss with it and give her extra hay, etc, but if I just plain up and moved it I think she'd probably stop brooding. Luckily she chooses her spot well every year - the back corner of my coop :)
It will be iffy.... the chicks get used to the bright light providing warmth, not a dark broody belly.... it would be better if you were using a Brinsea type heat source, or a homemade heater pad broody imitator (a piece of wire fence bent in a shallow arc holding up a heating pad). With them being under a light you will need to spend a bit of time making sure that they understand how to dive under the broody for warm ups.
The sooner you can get them back to mama the better the chances.
Luckily I'm using a Premier1 brooder plate - no bright light in my brooder
They hatched Saturday so have spent 5 days with mama. I just know that by the time I get home I'm not going to have time to get a safe box built before it gets dark this evening. I guess I can just give it a try tomorrow and worst case I'll have to bring them back in.
Luckily I'm using a Premier1 brooder plate - no bright light in my brooder
They hatched Saturday so have spent 5 days with mama. I just know that by the time I get home I'm not going to have time to get a safe box built before it gets dark this evening. I guess I can just give it a try tomorrow and worst case I'll have to bring them back in.

Well, if they already acclimated to a broody, and have been under a plate instead of a light then they have a much better chance at doing well.

The safe box can be as simple as a wire dog crate with an old blanket secured over it for wind break since the weather has warmed up.... unless rain is predicted then a tarp would have to be added.
It doesn't need anything complicated to keep them happy. we use medium pet carriers (like a decent cat sized) all the time for temporary broody huts and safe havens in the coop. We have a larger plastic dog crate that lives full time in the run for broodies to use if they want during the day or if a chick doesn't figure out the ramp in the evening.

Alternatives for broody safe boxes in the run would be a 5+gallon bucket, a garbage can or a small barrel turned on it's side with a cement block on either side of it to prevent rolling and a blanket or towel to partially cover the opening.
Safe box size just depends on hen and chick sizes.... but many household items could be repurposed to do the job for a few nights, even laundry baskets or an old kitchen cabinet if they are the right size and can be stabilized so they don't roll or tip.
I went out this morning to check on my broody Australorp. She just got of eggs to take a break. I went to look at her clutch and it looked like yolk on eggs I cleaned up area checked eggs for cracks. Ever egg was in tack.could she have ate another hens fresh egg? Or could she have had something come out of her vent?
I was worried last night about her being I nest to long without a break. Wondering since it's her first brood if I need to get her off eggs when I get home so she can eat and do her duty.
When she was off eggs for the short 5 minutes. She didn't eat much and no dust bath. Any ideas would be wonderful! Thanks in advance!
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Well, if they already acclimated to a broody, and have been under a plate instead of a light then they have a much better chance at doing well.

The safe box can be as simple as a wire dog crate with an old blanket secured over it for wind break since the weather has warmed up.... unless rain is predicted then a tarp would have to be added.
It doesn't need anything complicated to keep them happy. we use medium pet carriers (like a decent cat sized) all the time for temporary broody huts and safe havens in the coop. We have a larger plastic dog crate that lives full time in the run for broodies to use if they want during the day or if a chick doesn't figure out the ramp in the evening.

Alternatives for broody safe boxes in the run would be a 5+gallon bucket, a garbage can or a small barrel turned on it's side with a cement block on either side of it to prevent rolling and a blanket or towel to partially cover the opening.
Safe box size just depends on hen and chick sizes.... but many household items could be repurposed to do the job for a few nights, even laundry baskets or an old kitchen cabinet if they are the right size and can be stabilized so they don't roll or tip.
I've used a paper (cardboard) box in the past when all else failed. They usually only need it for about a week if the ramp is low, 2 weeks if it is a pretty big ramp.
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So it's confirmed in my mind that my broody ate one of the eggs out of her clutch. Is this normal ? I picked her up to get her off eggs and eat ect... She had no idea what to do !! Just ran around feathers up ! But she never ate anything , drank water or dust bathed.
Shouldi try to out water and food in front of her? Last time I moved her she broke a few eggs and stopped the attempt to go broody.
My other broody new exactly what to do!! No problems at all!
Any info would be great thank you!
I'm worried this is going to be a disaster

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