Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread


Terrible photo....but i could see three little chicks peeping out at me today from under the frizzle. Not sure about the other two eggs, but by tomorrow i should know.
When do broody moms start up laying again? My daughter brought in an egg & claims that our mama hen had laid it. it was in the run & near her & the chicks. (Chicks are 1 month + a few days old.) Hen is still caring for the chicks & they still pile in one nest box at night.

IMO I think it must have come from another hen (Cuddles not Cookie), but I wanted to know if it was possible.
It's totally possible.

My Dark Cornish girl who hatched chicks 3 1/2 weeks ago laid her first egg (post-broody) day before yesterday and another one today. She's isolated in another pen with the chicks so I know it was her. :)
I've got another broody BO! Don't know where I'm going to put this one or what I'm going to give her to hatch. Might have to buy some eggs. At least that's the excuse I'm going with :p
My broody broke free of her chicks at 5 weeks right after she taught them how to get up on the roost. She was the best mom but when she got through weanin them she won't have anything to do with them anymore. She even pecks at them.she started laying again about four weeks after she was away from them. Her chicks were 10 weeks old on Monday and she is sitting on eggs again since Monday, she really likes being a mom for a little while anyway
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A few spring time broodys. And X2 on the laying again. The hen with the single black chick is laying again and the chicks only about 3 weeks old. With my flock it kinda seems like the fewer chicks they hatch the quicker they start laying again. Don't know if thats the norm or not.
Hello everyone. So I'm kinda freaking out! My broody hen got mixed up about where her clutch of eggs were (or there was another hen in the box) and sat in the wrong box!!! No clue about length of time, but it's could be about a good 10hrs between the time hubby feed them this morning, and when I went to pick up eggs this evening. She has a little food holder in her nest box, but would have gotten up to stretch, get water, and do her business. The eggs are either on Day 15 or Day 14. Any possibility eggs are still good? Has this ever happened to anyone before?
Hello everyone. So I'm kinda freaking out! My broody hen got mixed up about where her clutch of eggs were (or there was another hen in the box) and sat in the wrong box!!! No clue about length of time, but it's could be about a good 10hrs between the time hubby feed them this morning, and when I went to pick up eggs this evening. She has a little food holder in her nest box, but would have gotten up to stretch, get water, and do her business. The eggs are either on Day 15 or Day 14. Any possibility eggs are still good? Has this ever happened to anyone before?
This happens almost every day with my broody. When my broody Homicidal Mama gets up to stretch another hen hopes in to lay for the cause. She comes back and her box is occupied she settles down in a different box. The one leaves the box but HM does not move. I candled them tonight and they are developing nicely. She is on day 10.

Also the eggs in my incubator started out under a young broody and she abandoned the clutch after a few days and they were left unattended over night in temps in the mid 40's and they have started to hatch today.

I would guess your eggs are fine.
I'm gutted. All 3 of my ducklings hatched yesterday and rats got into the shed through the night and killed two of them. My poor broodies would have been so stressed, but they obviously can't see in the dark :( Still got this little one left




Terrible photo....but i could see three little chicks peeping out at me today from under the frizzle. Not sure about the other two eggs, but by tomorrow i should know.

So Adorable! I love seeing the chicks peek out!

This happens almost every day with my broody. When my broody Homicidal Mama gets up to stretch another hen hopes in to lay for the cause. She comes back and her box is occupied she settles down in a different box. The one leaves the box but HM does not move. I candled them tonight and they are developing nicely.  She is on day 10. 

Also the eggs in my incubator started out under a young broody and she abandoned the clutch after a few days and they were left unattended over night in temps in the mid 40's and they have started to hatch today.

I would guess your eggs are fine. 

Homicidal Mama?! :lau Haha! I guess I should consider myself lucky. My broody seems very unnerved when I go in or near the nest and clucks at me, but never pecks.

I'm gutted. All 3 of my ducklings hatched yesterday and rats got into the shed through the night and killed two of them. My poor broodies would have been so stressed, but they obviously can't see in the dark :( Still got this little one left

So sorry, at least one was spared. :hugs
I'm gutted. All 3 of my ducklings hatched yesterday and rats got into the shed through the night and killed two of them. My poor broodies would have been so stressed, but they obviously can't see in the dark :( Still got this little one left
Awe how sad, but lovely picture of momma chicken with baby duck

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