Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Candle the eggs before you toss them. Most likely those with cracks are done for. When you candle look for internal pipping and listen for cheeping.

Ok, she seemed to be ignoring them now, so I went ahead and took them from her and candled them. They've been dead for quite some time, nothing but a gooey mess inside. Yuck!
Little mama did a good job! She went back to her nest quickly after things quieted down from the move. She must not have been setting as long as I thought while she was gone. It was 2 weeks ago when I moved her. I really did have to move her so DH could get back to chopping firewood and so my 3 cats wouldn't find her.

So we have one little coal black chick this afternoon. Born on the coldest day we've had so far this winter. She had 4 viable eggs out of originally 14 in the clutch and so far only one has hatched. She's been teaching the little one how to eat and drink, but has kept sitting on the other 3 eggs most of the time too. I saw 2 had cracks in them when she got up, but no hole from pipping. How much longer do you think I should wait to see if they'll hatch?
This is my first ever broody hatch. What a rush of pure delight hit me when I saw this first baby had arrived.

(The scratch seeds in her dish have been replaced with chick starter. She jumped up and gave me a nice photo op when I came to change her feed and water.
If you hear loud peeping then they are alive
Beautiful hen Gold Sebright?
Cute chick too
So, an update on my abandoned hatch at day 20. I kept the eggs under a heating pad for another day because I couldn't bear to throw them out if there was any chance of life. I had to fly out of town yesterday and one of the eggs was peeping at me. I left my hubby in charge of my shoebox/heating pad incubator. And to my absolute surprise - we had a baby hatch today..... here is a 10 second video my hubby sent me to hold me over until I get home at the end of the week.
I hope it makes it :) I set up a brooder just before I left - just in case anything hatched. We'll see how things go once it's got it's legs under it.
So, an update on my abandoned hatch at day 20. I kept the eggs under a heating pad for another day because I couldn't bear to throw them out if there was any chance of life. I had to fly out of town yesterday and one of the eggs was peeping at me. I left my hubby in charge of my shoebox/heating pad incubator. And to my absolute surprise - we had a baby hatch today..... here is a 10 second video my hubby sent me to hold me over until I get home at the end of the week.
I hope it makes it
I set up a brooder just before I left - just in case anything hatched. We'll see how things go once it's got it's legs under it.

Awesome, congrats
So, an update on my abandoned hatch at day 20. I kept the eggs under a heating pad for another day because I couldn't bear to throw them out if there was any chance of life. I had to fly out of town yesterday and one of the eggs was peeping at me. I left my hubby in charge of my shoebox/heating pad incubator. And to my absolute surprise - we had a baby hatch today..... here is a 10 second video my hubby sent me to hold me over until I get home at the end of the week.
I hope it makes it
I set up a brooder just before I left - just in case anything hatched. We'll see how things go once it's got it's legs under it.

Best Video I have seen today!
So, an update on my abandoned hatch at day 20. I kept the eggs under a heating pad for another day because I couldn't bear to throw them out if there was any chance of life. I had to fly out of town yesterday and one of the eggs was peeping at me. I left my hubby in charge of my shoebox/heating pad incubator. And to my absolute surprise - we had a baby hatch today..... here is a 10 second video my hubby sent me to hold me over until I get home at the end of the week.
I hope it makes it
I set up a brooder just before I left - just in case anything hatched. We'll see how things go once it's got it's legs under it.

Super news. That is amazing. Tell hubby (if he is willing) to put some Chick Saver electrolytes/vitamins into the water. I see some curling on the toes that should hopefully correct out as it dries, but you can get toe curling with cold, long hatches. Vitamin supplements can help ward some of it off as the baby is likely depleted from the longer, arduous hatch.


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