Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I went out flash lighting today is day 17 and now I know what a clear is.:(
Out of 12 eggs I looked at maybe 6 and 1 was clear. So Im taking for granite the ones I can't see through with air pockets have chicks. 4 more days :fl
as the saying goes "don't count your chickens before they're hatched"
I had my broody sitting on 6 eggs, 1 hatched, 1 was a gonner and the rest were clears.
sending you love and light for a succesful hatch, but don't be disappointed if they don't all make it.
So one of my white leghorns went broody. I watched her for a couple days before deciding to let her sit on some of our eggs. Knowing my flock, I seperated her and her eggs into their own 'mini coop' in the run. My hubby made a gate door over a nice big calf hutch that sits in the shade. She sat all the way through and we candled the eggs once. My four leghorn eggs looked great, my five EE eggs were too hard to see through.

Today is day 21! I was surprised when last night I heard a chick! The little EE chick was laying next to mama hen though, not under her. This is my first hatch and I am trying to let her handle everything. This morning the chick wasn't visible so I am assuming it is under mama but didn't hear anything. Hopefully I can see chicks soon, I dont want to move her for fear of breaking the eggs.
Ok tomorrow is day 21 for some of my eggs and I found a egg that close to half the shell is gone and the skin is still around the baby. My daughter said there is a tiny hole in the skin were its little beak is. I am so worried for this little one :(
My first broody experience and two days ago...2 are here, 2 eggs left. The entire thing has been amazing!!
So my chicks ended up all hatching a day early! It was wonderful and my Leghorn hatched 8/9, the last one was rotten. She is such a good first time mama! although I wish she wouldn't try to hide them from me, she gets a little better each day I sit in there with her. Mine are Easter Egger and Leghorn mixes, with what looks like one full EE. I wont know about the yellow chicks until they get older but atleast 3 are mixes and have black spotting

So my chicks ended up all hatching a day early! It was wonderful and my Leghorn hatched 8/9, the last one was rotten. She is such a good first time mama! although I wish she wouldn't try to hide them from me, she gets a little better each day I sit in there with her. Mine are Easter Egger and Leghorn mixes, with what looks like one full EE. I wont know about the yellow chicks until they get older but atleast 3 are mixes and have black spotting

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When I saw this Picture ,My first thought was.How did this picture of my chicken and her chicks get here!:confused:

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