Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Just stopping by! Day 18 here with my first attempt at a natural hatch. My girl will be a first time mom and she is doing great! She is a Cuckoo Maran but I do not have a rooster so a local exotic breeder gave me a few eggs to try and hatch. I have 2 Cream Barbanter, 3 Silverudd Blues and a Cemani egg! Really excited and hoping something hatches.

I have 5 chickens total and she is the lowest on the pecking order and a bit of a loner. I left her in the general coop because I was nervous to move her but as soon as the babies are born they will all move to a private area. So far the other chickens have left her alone for the most part expect when she gets off the nest for a quick bite and drink she sometimes gets picked on. Hope to be sharing good news soon!


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Just stopping by! Day 18 here with my first attempt at a natural hatch. My girl will be a first time mom and she is doing great! She is a Cuckoo Maran but I do not have a rooster so a local exotic breeder gave me a few eggs to try and hatch. I have 2 Cream Barbanter, 3 Silverudd Blues and a Cemani egg! Really excited and hoping something hatches.

I have 5 chickens total and she is the lowest on the pecking order and a bit of a loner. I left her in the general coop because I was nervous to move her but as soon as the babies are born they will all move to a private area. So far the other chickens have left her alone for the most part expect when she gets off the nest for a quick bite and drink she sometimes gets picked on. Hope to be sharing good news soon!
Looking forward to hearing your good news. I have a silkie with eggs due next weekend, so we can swap pics and stories.

I notice that the surge in broody hormones helps give that lower status hen a boost. I have 2 hens that actually crow when broody to show the others not to mess with them. Even the rooster doesn't dare get too close.
Why are you going to separate her?
Hi, the coop is not set up for her to be able to raiser her chicks in a the moment. I have a Large Eglu Cube Chicken coop from Omlet. The chicks' will not be able to get up and down it. I wanted to try and put a separate nesting area for her and babies on the ground of the run but I am in Florida and the summer rains have been horrible with some flooding in the bottom of the run so I do not think that would be safe. Also during the day I let my girls free range in our large backyard but we do have hawks. The hawks don't bother the chickens anymore but they did come around when they were little so know I can't let the chicks out to free range with the rest of the girls anytime soon.

This is our first time so I am very much open to suggestions!
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Me sweet girl hatched two eggs plus another one pipped but never zipped. I am very happy with the two sweet chicks. Momma is doing great!


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I have an unexpected broody hiding in the shrubbery. Hope to find out tomorrow how many eggs she is sitting on... and work out how to move her and them to a coop without breaking her or the eggs!
I have an unexpected broody hiding in the shrubbery. Hope to find out tomorrow how many eggs she is sitting on... and work out how to move her and them to a coop without breaking her or the eggs!
Move her at night. Put her in a carrier and eggs separate. Put eggs in new nest and put her a ft away if she is flighty. Might be able to put her on the eggs if she is calm. Block her off from old nest

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