Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I've got a question y'all, 1 of my orps has gone broody, I've got eggs in the incubator on day 4, I'd like to give her a few of these eggs and try and graft the rest of the chicks to her. Do y'all think the 4 day head start will mess her up?
It just depends on hownlong she sits and if she's the time that constantly wants more babies. I have a silkie and a cochin I cam just keep goving babies to, weeks after they hatched their eggs, ad long as they still have babies with them. Others don't want more than 1 ie 2 no matter how many eggs they sat on
It just depends on hownlong she sits and if she's the time that constantly wants more babies. I have a silkie and a cochin I cam just keep goving babies to, weeks after they hatched their eggs, ad long as they still have babies with them. Others don't want more than 1 ie 2 no matter how many eggs they sat on
If I give her eggs or of the incubator they will be hatching on day 17 for her, will this mess anything up?
If I give her eggs or of the incubator they will be hatching on day 17 for her, will this mess anything up?
It could. Personally I'd try to be as hands off as possible with the incubator babies for 2+ days, before giving them to her. Keep feed and water super close to the nest if possible. If babies can eat and drink without roaming, she might stay setting longer.

Will both sets of chicks look similar?
It could. Personally I'd try to be as hands off as possible with the incubator babies for 2+ days, before giving them to her. Keep feed and water super close to the nest if possible. If babies can eat and drink without roaming, she might stay setting longer.

Will both sets of chicks look similar?
They are all mauve and chocolate orps
Good news. Another reliable hen has gone broody in the main hutch. She happily moved to a quiet side hutch where she is completely isolated and on her own.

I candled today, at day 3-4. I *think* 5 of the 9 are developing, 1 a maybe, 3 probably clears. So hopefully 5 developing chicks. (About what I expected as I am down to 1 rooster with 20 hens...a bit hard for him to get to everyone).

We'll see how this hatch goes. I've got this one in a very secure side broody hutch that a skunk cannot possibly get into. I have very high hopes for this batch.


Follow up...YES 5 chicks hatched. Momma is making it hard to see them, but she's moved off the nest. I'd removed the clears already, and the "maybe" one didn't hatch (was sludge, so a quitter). I have 5 very sweet looking chicks.

I'll keep them in that side coop for a couple of weeks until babes are old enough to navigate the ramp and flock.


Okay, sometimes you just need a little help from your neighbors (who are great people btw).

I had sadly lost my great-grandma Cream Legbar recently (she was 9 and has been instrumental in developing my olive egger flock), and that night on lock up I knew I'd be down a bird. I counted....18. Uhm, I thought it should have been 19, because, well 20 (I thought) minus one now deceased bird leaves 19, right. Nope 18.

I look and look. For the last week and half I've looked and looked in the bushes, everywhere, even checking that table by the bbq. I'm SURE I was counting 20 at lock up before Grandma Cream passed (I'm not very creative with my names). Nope 18.

I had just convinced myself I can't count and there should be 18 when....my neighbor calls and leaves message on my machine. I need to come over and talk with him tonight asap as he will be removing the apple tree on our fence line tomorrow.

So, tonight I walk over to the fence as he, as usual, was working in his yard. He tells me, "You do know you have a hen in the brambles? She's been there about a week and a half. I saw a pile of eggs about a week ago, and she's been sitting a few days after that. I won't disturb her tomorrow when I cut the tree, but it will be noisy for her."

There is NO way to get to the hen. She is buried so deeply on my side the only way to see her is from the neighbor's side. My neighbor offers to try to squeeze between the wire fence to see if he can grab the eggs, but I tell him not to bother. I doubt she will budge, and if she's this dedicated, then let her try.

I'm pretty sure this is my bbq table hen again, only with a niftier location this time.

I don't need any more chicks (after hatching 6 already), but the only thing I'm mad about is she had me convinced I had 18 birds. I see 18. Yep. 18.

Sneaky girl. I'll let you know if she does better on this try. The neighbor says she is on and off the nest, but maybe she'll settle better now that's she not on the table.

Got a closer look from my neighbor's yard after the apple tree came down.

Nope. It's a different hen. This one isn't the Barney girl of BBQ fame. She's a Cream Barney mix on a pile of seafoam colored eggs. She was off the nest at noon for food and water, so we'll see if she's on this afternoon when I take a dozen eggs to the nice neighbors.

11 eggs people. 11 eggs. :lau
Okay, sometimes you just need a little help from your neighbors (who are great people btw).

I had sadly lost my great-grandma Cream Legbar recently (she was 9 and has been instrumental in developing my olive egger flock), and that night on lock up I knew I'd be down a bird. I counted....18. Uhm, I thought it should have been 19, because, well 20 (I thought) minus one now deceased bird leaves 19, right. Nope 18.

I look and look. For the last week and half I've looked and looked in the bushes, everywhere, even checking that table by the bbq. I'm SURE I was counting 20 at lock up before Grandma Cream passed (I'm not very creative with my names). Nope 18.

I had just convinced myself I can't count and there should be 18 when....my neighbor calls and leaves message on my machine. I need to come over and talk with him tonight asap as he will be removing the apple tree on our fence line tomorrow.

So, tonight I walk over to the fence as he, as usual, was working in his yard. He tells me, "You do know you have a hen in the brambles? She's been there about a week and a half. I saw a pile of eggs about a week ago, and she's been sitting a few days after that. I won't disturb her tomorrow when I cut the tree, but it will be noisy for her."

There is NO way to get to the hen. She is buried so deeply on my side the only way to see her is from the neighbor's side. My neighbor offers to try to squeeze between the wire fence to see if he can grab the eggs, but I tell him not to bother. I doubt she will budge, and if she's this dedicated, then let her try.

I'm pretty sure this is my bbq table hen again, only with a niftier location this time.

I don't need any more chicks (after hatching 6 already), but the only thing I'm mad about is she had me convinced I had 18 birds. I see 18. Yep. 18.

Sneaky girl. I'll let you know if she does better on this try. The neighbor says she is on and off the nest, but maybe she'll settle better now that's she not on the table.

I am glad to hear of your successful coop hatch and amused by your rambin' rosie in the briar patch! Bless your kind neighbor for their concern and understanding! Looking forward to seeing some pictures! I gave a few of my pencils and 2 pencil mixes to a friend in New Mexico who is now dealing with multiple broodies! 🙃 😄
Happy day!


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