Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Well Congrats farmer Chef, but if I was you I would expand the sides of Fuzzy Bottoms nest before you put those 15 turkey eggs under her, she is going to need more room.
I have 6 eggs under a BO that are due to hatch Friday or Sat. I haven't candled and she hasn't kicked any out so I guess we will see what happens.
She / We are first timers at this broody thing.
Miss Lydia, I love the cute bi-colored feet on your little duckling. What a sweetie!
I have 6 eggs under a BO that are due to hatch Friday or Sat. I haven't candled and she hasn't kicked any out so I guess we will see what happens.
She / We are first timers at this broody thing.
Miss Lydia, I love the cute bi-colored feet on your little duckling. What a sweetie!

MtnMargie, be sure to let us know when the chicks hatch. I know aren't those feet adorable..
I hope she does cg911, more than likely she will.

i hope she does to she is off the nest a good bit during the day since it is 100 degrees and probably hotter than that in the coop but once the temp starts to go back down and cool off she sit and stays on the nest the rest of the day and night and the next morning. till it reaches 100 degrees again. i watch her when she is off the nest she goes into the coop checks on her eggs sits for a little while and rolls the eggs under her and when she thinks they are ok she gets off. i have checked the temp in the coop when it was only 90 degrees and the thermometer read 102 i can only imagine what it is when it is 100 outside. it this normal behavior.
I hope she does cg911, more than likely she will.

i hope she does to she is off the nest a good bit during the day since it is 100 degrees and probably hotter than that in the coop but once the temp starts to go back down and cool off she sit and stays on the nest the rest of the day and night and the next morning. till it reaches 100 degrees again. i watch her when she is off the nest she goes into the coop checks on her eggs sits for a little while and rolls the eggs under her and when she thinks they are ok she gets off. i have checked the temp in the coop when it was only 90 degrees and the thermometer read 102 i can only imagine what it is when it is 100 outside. it this normal behavior.

Well Congrats farmer Chef, but if I was you I would expand the sides of Fuzzy Bottoms nest before you put those 15 turkey eggs under her, she is going to need more room.

Thats the nest I had her in when she had 5 chicken eggs, I have a bigger one for her.

Looks like only 2 eggs are clear! And they where shipped from Indiana!
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Well Congrats farmer Chef, but if I was you I would expand the sides of Fuzzy Bottoms nest before you put those 15 turkey eggs under her, she is going to need more room.

Thats the nest I had her in when she had 5 chicken eggs, I have a bigger one for her.

Looks like only 2 eggs are clear! And they where shipped from Indiana!

That is good news, waiting to hear when they hatch and pics of course. the reason i said about a bigger box is you don't want her to break them moving them around or one accidently falling out. what breed of turkey?
I have two 15 month old black Australorps that are setting on 5-6 eggs each. First hen is due to start hatching Monday, the 13th, the 2nd one around the 19th. I didn't candle, but now I'm wishing I had, sort of... They are sharing a nest area ( I tried separating them, but they both wanted the same batch of eggs... so moved the 2nd set. Am hoping they didn't get cool too long. Time will tell, but I am starting to get antsy... Haven't heard any peeping yet, but it is early. Will check again over the weekend. I am trying not to bug the hens too much. Guess I will go pull some more weeds and pick a few more rocks to keep myself busy and out of there. LOL we need a smilie that is doing the "expectant father" pace....

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