Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

So happy you were able to share this hatch with your family. My grankids were her for the hatching of our duckling and some of our chicks they had a great time. Looking forward to seeing pics. It's a wonderful experience! Congrats!!
Congratulations on such a successful hatch!!! The frizzle wasn't frizzled at all at first. (She is my avatar <---- ) I believe it takes about 3 weeks for the frizzling to appear - has to be real feathers, I assume.

Can't wait for pictures!!!!
Big news!!!!!
7 weeks and 2 days old and I was FINALLY able to let moulting Broody Red Sex Link Mama and the kids loose in the coop with the flock. No murder - no mayhem - no bloody combs or pullets being hurled through the air - not even any kick boxing. Most of the flock seemed terrified of her but they settled. Kids got a couple of lessons in pecking order and mom didn't kill or even mame anyone. Miracles! But mom is still defending them reasonably if a trouble maker shows up.

Complete freedom within the coop will make life MUCH easier now that fall is upon us big time. Rain and wind means much more time inside.
Fantastic news!! Our flock integration contuse to go smoothly as well, and you're right, it is SO much easier to deal with the one large mixed flock than the two segregated flocks!! Congratulations on the uneventful integration!!
BarnGoddess: Thanks for the info on the frizzle. Maybe there is still hope. I really want her to be a frizzle.
Also congrats on the togetherness of your flock. It's so nice that they can all be together, easier on you too.

Jloeffler: If you can let your kids hold the hatching eggs I soooo recommend it. My kids were just thrilled and excited, heck for that matter so was I! It was very cool!

And now I'd like to introduce you to some new members. I couldn't get great pics of all 8, too wiggly.


And this is a down comforter at its best.

The kids have already picked and named their favorite....Fudge

So I'm not sure who is who. I'm am confused due to coloring though. I know the buffs are blond, ee's are blond with chipmunk, frizzle (
) is blond with a very slight red tinge, but my confusion is with the dark chicks. You can see the two greyish blacks in the pics and then Fudge. But I only had one Austroloup and one Copper Marans...or so I thought.
Thought I'd get opinions from the broody folks. Our Silkie, Wendy, hatched 8 chicks back on August 19th. She's started laying eggs again so I'm wondering if I should put her back in with the rooster in the bantam barn, but I'm not sure if those chicks are ready or not to join the rest of the flock.

Thoughts? Experiences? Opinions?

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