Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Hi, everyone! I'm normally just a lurker, but my broody's been hatching right along with you all.
We're on day 18, due to hatch Friday, and I'm getting excited! Bertha has 11 eggs under her; I candled 3 on day 15, and all were doing great. I've seen a couple of posts on BYC about hens who got confused and left the nest for a while, and I guess I just need a little hand-holding and reassurance, or harsh reality if that's what my situation calls for. Ya see, my nest boxes are up high, so I tried to move my Bertha to a box on the ground yesterday. She moved right in with her eggs and was sitting on them when I closed the coop last night, but this afternoon at 4:30 she was back in her old nest on new eggs, and the eggs she'd been sitting on were pretty cold (it was 88 and muggy today). Should I candle them this close to the hatch date, or just wait and see? Also, I didn't want to separate her from the flock, but the nest is so high I can't imagine it would be safe for the chicks. I have a rabbit hutch adjacent to the coop that isn't yet inhabited but would allow plenty of room. Should I lock her in it with her eggs?

I'm SUCH a newbie, sorry if my questions have been covered elsewhere. Thanks for reading!

The Frugalist Papers: Sharing real money-saving wisdom with the spendthrift world.
We are first timers also and we left our broody in her nest which is about 18 inches off the floor. She just hatched the last one late last night. Hatchings started sunday night, so as I learned the hard way just be patient. I thought they would all hatch within hours of each other but in reality it takes days. Our girl is still in her box we just screwed a board to the edge so there is a higher lip so the chicks don't fall out. We will move her and her chicks to a box at ground level this afternoon. Good luck with the hatch and post pics please!
We are first timers also and we left our broody in her nest which is about 18 inches off the floor. She just hatched the last one late last night. Hatchings started sunday night, so as I learned the hard way just be patient. I thought they would all hatch within hours of each other but in reality it takes days. Our girl is still in her box we just screwed a board to the edge so there is a higher lip so the chicks don't fall out. We will move her and her chicks to a box at ground level this afternoon. Good luck with the hatch and post pics please!
excellant plan! sums up exactly what I do. Congrats!
I have a submissive broody, my BA started with 12 and is now down to 10 and I have no idea what happened to the others. No crushed eggs or anything. I did notice the other girls trying to lay in her box.
It sounds like she is crushing the eggs. Or pushing them out either accidently or purposely. If she is really broody she shouldnt be laying eggs so it sounds like someone is laying either on top of her or going in her nest and possibly could be the chicken who is crushing the eggs.

I would clean her up and take all the eggs except what you want her to have. And if you have other hens laying in the box it would be best to see if you can move her, if not just mark the eggs that you leave under her and everyday take the newly laid eggs out.. She sounds like a submissive broody.
I have a submissive broody, my BA started with 12 and is now down to 10 and I have no idea what happened to the others. No crushed eggs or anything. I did notice the other girls trying to lay in her box.
If they are laying in her box and succeeding I would attempt to move her. I may have to my Barred rock she is in the lead hens favorite nest box. But the lead hen doenst make her move she just waits until she is off for a water break then plants her big bottom down. Then I cant get her eggs before Momma (Barred rock) sits down again! Then I have to upset her.

Chicken soap opera....

But I absolutely love it!
That's why I moved Topsy - the last time she was in the nest box one of the LOs got up there and crushed an egg she had been sitting on. So Topsy is now sitting by herself in the wired off section of the coop. She's happy. I'm happy. The flock is happy.

I have a submissive broody, my BA started with 12 and is now down to 10 and I have no idea what happened to the others. No crushed eggs or anything. I did notice the other girls trying to lay in her box.

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