Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Well as of last night i have another broody, Mandy, only child from last years hatching. she has taken over of course the favorite nest box. grrr, they love to do this. She sat all day yesterday and came out this morning for a break and is now back on only 2 eggs. We'll see if she stays today. I have the hardest time saying no to my girls.
I'm with you on the thunderstorms Tripp, they must leave here and head your way. We had close to 2" of rain the last couple days. I am feeling very soggy right now.
Oh its nasty! But the ducks LOVE it!! The only thing is since they are behind my chicken coop they duck a hole underneath the frame of the house which then allowed water to flow like a river through the bantam/silkie house... even into the silkies bedroom!
Not to mention I have two sick silkies isolated that I dont are going to make it.. With sick silkies and muddy houses I dont need chicks at the moment but they always tend to lighten the mood.
Oh its nasty! But the ducks LOVE it!! The only thing is since they are behind my chicken coop they duck a hole underneath the frame of the house which then allowed water to flow like a river through the bantam/silkie house... even into the silkies bedroom!
Not to mention I have two sick silkies isolated that I dont are going to make it.. With sick silkies and muddy houses I dont need chicks at the moment but they always tend to lighten the mood.
I'm sorry to hear about your Silkies, do you know whats wrong?
I'm so upset...I built popcorn a lean-to section of the coop on Sunday and gave her back her eggs... All was dandy yesterday morning and then I went to work and got home late so couldn't go and check on chickens. Well this morning popcorn was sitting on the egg nugget laid yesterday and her eggs were ice cold.... ICE 2 beautiful darkest of dark Marans eggs (yes I put the best ones under her... idiot...) and the only lavender silkie and one other silkie....(yep double idiot) I'm so sad so so so sad.... There was a Small space in the screen on the side of my structure and I use that term loosely .... And she got out through that.... :( and as i wasnt home to collect the eggs laid yesterday she found them..... I gave her back the 2 cold silkies and put the Marans in the bator... I'm sure they are all dead ..... So here is my question.... Should I wait and put hatched chicks under her? Or should I put eggs that have pipped under her?? Obviously I can't do anything right with her.... She hadnt moved from her nest in days!! Again..... Ugh :(
Normal for Broody to eat the eggs that didn't develop? My BA has went from over a dozen to about 11 eggs, every one she broke open didn't have any development that I could tell.
They may still hatch - being cold doesn't necessarily mean dead. Good thing you caught them in time and moved them to the bator. I wouldn't mess with eggs with her because it sounds like she has trouble staying put. I would put live day old chicks under her once they've dried out and see how she handles them. Do it at night - slip one under her and wait. See if she accepts it and then try another. The next morning make sure you check on her first thing and that she and the babies have access to food & water. Otherwise she may get out again and leave the babies behind.

I'm so upset...I built popcorn a lean-to section of the coop on Sunday and gave her back her eggs... All was dandy yesterday morning and then I went to work and got home late so couldn't go and check on chickens. Well this morning popcorn was sitting on the egg nugget laid yesterday and her eggs were ice cold.... ICE 2 beautiful darkest of dark Marans eggs (yes I put the best ones under her... idiot...) and the only lavender silkie and one other silkie....(yep double idiot) I'm so sad so so so sad.... There was a Small space in the screen on the side of my structure and I use that term loosely .... And she got out through that....
and as i wasnt home to collect the eggs laid yesterday she found them..... I gave her back the 2 cold silkies and put the Marans in the bator... I'm sure they are all dead ..... So here is my question.... Should I wait and put hatched chicks under her? Or should I put eggs that have pipped under her?? Obviously I can't do anything right with her.... She hadnt moved from her nest in days!! Again..... Ugh
Yes - many have said they experienced the same thing - she probably broke them open and ate the ones that weren't developing. Sometimes the broody will kick the egg out of the nest - other times they may eat it. So far my two broody pullets haven't eaten their eggs - but there's always a chance.

Normal for Broody to eat the eggs that didn't develop? My BA has went from over a dozen to about 11 eggs, every one she broke open didn't have any development that I could tell.
Yes - many have said they experienced the same thing - she probably broke them open and ate the ones that weren't developing. Sometimes the broody will kick the egg out of the nest - other times they may eat it. So far my two broody pullets haven't eaten their eggs - but there's always a chance.


Okay, the eggs are due in two days and in six days. I originally though that they were being crushed, but there was yolk on my BA's face when I went to check on them. She is one messy broody.
Yeah another broody! Congrats!

I thought I might have a broody Lav Orp this morning - Buffy laid her egg and then sat down, puffed up and screeched at me while I was cleaning the coop. Turns out she was just fussy. She got down shortly after that and I gathered her egg. I'm down to just my 3 Lav Orp layers - my WL Snow White is molting, EE Smokey - broody, Silky Topsy - broody and we previously lost LO Sunny to unknown causes. I was getting 7 a day in April now 3!

My goal is to get 12 eggs a day - haha! At this rate I will need about 20 laying pullets to get that percentage. :)

Well as of last night i have another broody, Mandy, only child from last years hatching. she has taken over of course the favorite nest box. grrr, they love to do this. She sat all day yesterday and came out this morning for a break and is now back on only 2 eggs. We'll see if she stays today. I have the hardest time saying no to my girls.
crappy camera!!!Will try to make this my last ramble here for awhile. Suzette(salmon faverolles) brought her 9 chix(surogate 9 black australorp) out about an hour ago and shes laying in grass talking to her brood. trying to get pix on.

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