Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I'm curious about something and I'm hoping someone has the answer. Does anyone know why humidity doesn't matter with broody hens? My hen is hatching chicks and she has no problem hopping off the nest even after they've pipped. Why does it matter so much in incubators and not at all with hens?! Has anyone seen a shrink wrapped chick under a broody?
I'm curious about something and I'm hoping someone has the answer. Does anyone know why humidity doesn't matter with broody hens? My hen is hatching chicks and she has no problem hopping off the nest even after they've pipped. Why does it matter so much in incubators and not at all with hens?! Has anyone seen a shrink wrapped chick under a broody?
Nope but found a shrink wrapped duckling yesterday morn. under broody duck.
Usually the broody does a better job of managing the humidity levels then I can in the bator. If you've noticed the location of the eggs under her - she moves them around to match their need. I've watched mine rotate their eggs front to back and side to side. Sometimes I think - she must not want that one anymore - and then the next time I see it's under here tight again. So she's managing the growth/humidity levels herself. It's a beautiful miracle to see. But the broody can have hatching issues too - just less likely since she's usually managing them the whole time.

I'm curious about something and I'm hoping someone has the answer. Does anyone know why humidity doesn't matter with broody hens? My hen is hatching chicks and she has no problem hopping off the nest even after they've pipped. Why does it matter so much in incubators and not at all with hens?! Has anyone seen a shrink wrapped chick under a broody?
Eeeekkk more broken eggs, no hatches and this time I saw maggots. This seems disasterous. Will my other eggs hatch now or is it just over? I cleaned the nests after each broken egg but it didn't help. Now what to do, eggs are due 17-21st of this month.
Wow - is it really already Day 18! Lockdown day for the broodies - haha. Guess I better not take them off the nest anymore. I'm so looking forward to chicks! I have 2 maran and 2 silky eggs under Topsy and there are 5 silkiy eggs under Smokey. I don't expect 9 chicks - but something close to that would be fine.

hoping for all pullets!
We've got a ton of flies around this year - no winter snow to get rid of everything and too much poop hanging around for them to eat. Flies of course equals lots of maggots. I hate flies, but I hate maggots even more!

Hang in there -- they may still hatch since it's just the 18th. Give it a few more days. You can get the maggots out of there and clean up again and candle them at the same time. But won't the momma eat the maggots?

Eeeekkk more broken eggs, no hatches and this time I saw maggots. This seems disasterous. Will my other eggs hatch now or is it just over? I cleaned the nests after each broken egg but it didn't help. Now what to do, eggs are due 17-21st of this month.
Hoping everything works out for you Tripp - so sorry you're going through this. Sounds like I need to get some Oxine to have on hand for future issues.

Well I went and got Tylan 50 to give to all the sick birds. I have heard that it works pretty good.
Im not supposed to give them it but 5 days but some people say it clears it up in 3.

I need to find that Oxine stuff. I have been trying to find some stuff to completely clean the coop. This seems perfect! I love the article. It sounds just like how mine are now.
I just hope the Lord is gracious is heals them with this Tylan!

Nobody is in with Henrietta except at night. I already have Duramycin in her water to hopefully fight anything off. We will see. Her chicks arent due until Sunday though.
Wow - is it really already Day 18! Lockdown day for the broodies - haha. Guess I better not take them off the nest anymore. I'm so looking forward to chicks! I have 2 maran and 2 silky eggs under Topsy and there are 5 silkiy eggs under Smokey. I don't expect 9 chicks - but something close to that would be fine.

hoping for all pullets!
for Pullets.

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