Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

We have 5 chicks now and another egg hatching.  Is it normal for them to hatch over three days time???  There is one egg left out of the 8 she started with. :)

Yes. I had one hatch in the bator that was 3 days long from start to finish. This hatch was just two days long. The weather and number of eggs involved can influence the outcome. Smokey hatched 4 out of 5. I knew she was done when she left the nest and moved to another spot with her new chicks. Topsy was still sitting on three nonhatching eggs by day three so I took those from her. Congrats on the chicks!
I checked the broodies again this morning. One of them has hatched all of her 8 eggs. And the other one is sitting on 4 chicks, 3 zipping eggs and 1 egg doing nothing. Hopefully i'll get 16/16 hatching.

Ps i tried to take photos but my camera has died and i can't find batteries anywhere. So i'll need to get to the shops and post them later. :)
Ok could use some help. I have a broody that has went past 4 weeks. I gave her eggs 8 days ago hoping she'd make it to babies. However, I candled them today and not a one looked to be developing. I assume that was just an immature rooster. I saw some bulls eyes before I set them but... nothing but a few air sacs.

I worry cause she seems to be very determined. Should I just take her off the nest everytime I see her. Let her sit til she gives up? I have some 2 week old broilers but I don't think they'd go up under her, and if she didn't like it she might hurt them so....

What should I do? I can give her some fertile eggs but after 4 weeks would she really sit for 3 more? of course I'm worried she'll sit forever she seems very determined.

Ok so I"m a sucker. Yesterday she was still sitting, and I felt bad cause I knew they wouldn't hatch. I found a guy in town who hatches out Australorps and got some eggs from his bator (only $10). So last night Fern's clutch started hatching for her!!!!!

Of course that was after I moved her to her new nest with new eggs that were supposed to be 3 days from hatching but I guess a few where ready because she had at least one baby this morning that was walking about underneath her wing. If I get two chicks out of the dozen I'm happy, hopefully Fern is happy, and hopefully they'll be two girls LOL.

Now I just have to find time to read 1040 pages to figure out how I need to treat mom and babies after hatch and how to integrate to the flock and what to expect from this. I hatched out a batch at Christmas in the bator so I know a little about hatch, but I assume mom's gonna take care of that. I know how to brood in a brooder but I've never had a broody do it. I've moved her to my little biddie coop but I think they'll be issues with the traditional flock.

I'll post pics tonight and will have lots of questions later. I'm just so happy she is getting a chance to break her brood and have chicks. Can't wait to see if she is a good momma. She isn't a great layer and was on the list to be culled to make room for some other chicks I'm getting. But now if she is a good momma she can stay probably another year at least to see how often she'll go broody. My coop definately has space for a broody hen who is a good momma. She sat for at least 4 weeks, took to a change in location, and eggs and was on the nest this morning being motherly so she just saved herself. And best part was I actually got to sleep last night. When I did an incubator (little giant) I couldn't sleep for about 3 days worried about temp, humidity, shrink wrap..... Last night slept good and just went out to check on her after breakfast it was great.
Yeah! Can't wait for pics!

I checked the broodies again this morning. One of them has hatched all of her 8 eggs. And the other one is sitting on 4 chicks, 3 zipping eggs and 1 egg doing nothing. Hopefully i'll get 16/16 hatching.

Ps i tried to take photos but my camera has died and i can't find batteries anywhere. So i'll need to get to the shops and post them later. :)
Yeah! Congrats on your new fuzzybutts!
Broodies are the best.

Oops forgot to say - yes momma will take care of the babies - you won't have to do much except provide chick feed for them all to eat and water. I usually let my chicks and mommas out by the end of the 1st week - but if they are all LF and big enough they could go out sooner as they would be better able to dodge curious chickens. I also trust momma to protect the little ones, but I stay close the 1st time to watch and intervene if needed. Momma should fight anyone who comes close to the babies - but she may also get attacked by others as well. Try not to intervene in this - unless there is blood drawn or the babies are in danger. Momma will have to get her babies accepted by the bigger flock - and that can take some pecking and squabbles.

My EE Smokey has been broody twice this year. She is 2nd from the top in pecking order. Both times she first moved her week old babies out of the brooding area and into the main coop on the floor. The first time she then moved them into the nest boxes at night by week 3 and eventually by the time they were 4 weeks old she moved them to the roost. This time may be different because she's momma to silky chicks - but time will tell. She takes care of everything with them - including teaching them how to go up and down the ramps. She also attacks others just for appearing to want to come close to her babies.

My broody Topsy is new to being a momma - she's a Silky at the bottom of the pecking order and her approach is to duck down her head, puff up like a ball and sqwak loudly. So far that is working for her. She's a great momma to her two silky babies. However she hasn't taught them how to go back up the ramp - just come down it.

The sooner you let the momma bring the babies into the general population - the easier it will be for the babies. Right now my silky chicks can scurry under stuff they wouldn't be able to hide under in a couple of weeks. So if someone gets too close and momma can't get to them - the babies can still hide and protect themselves.

Post pics when you get a chance!

Ok so I"m a sucker. Yesterday she was still sitting, and I felt bad cause I knew they wouldn't hatch. I found a guy in town who hatches out Australorps and got some eggs from his bator (only $10). So last night Fern's clutch started hatching for her!!!!!

Of course that was after I moved her to her new nest with new eggs that were supposed to be 3 days from hatching but I guess a few where ready because she had at least one baby this morning that was walking about underneath her wing. If I get two chicks out of the dozen I'm happy, hopefully Fern is happy, and hopefully they'll be two girls LOL.

Now I just have to find time to read 1040 pages to figure out how I need to treat mom and babies after hatch and how to integrate to the flock and what to expect from this. I hatched out a batch at Christmas in the bator so I know a little about hatch, but I assume mom's gonna take care of that. I know how to brood in a brooder but I've never had a broody do it. I've moved her to my little biddie coop but I think they'll be issues with the traditional flock.

I'll post pics tonight and will have lots of questions later. I'm just so happy she is getting a chance to break her brood and have chicks. Can't wait to see if she is a good momma. She isn't a great layer and was on the list to be culled to make room for some other chicks I'm getting. But now if she is a good momma she can stay probably another year at least to see how often she'll go broody. My coop definately has space for a broody hen who is a good momma. She sat for at least 4 weeks, took to a change in location, and eggs and was on the nest this morning being motherly so she just saved herself. And best part was I actually got to sleep last night. When I did an incubator (little giant) I couldn't sleep for about 3 days worried about temp, humidity, shrink wrap..... Last night slept good and just went out to check on her after breakfast it was great.
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Ok, experts... Hatching has started! My first broody and I have a pip. Now the problem is I have a very large pip but the hen is up trotting around the yard. I'm a bit worried about the lack of cover on this egg. Anyone had this happen before?
Ok, experts... Hatching has started! My first broody and I have a pip. Now the problem is I have a very large pip but the hen is up trotting around the yard. I'm a bit worried about the lack of cover on this egg. Anyone had this happen before?

I'm not an expert but I would not interfere with the hatching. I trust the pullet to do everything. Hope it hatches soon.

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