Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

We have fire ants but luckily they aren't close to the ducks' area. I'm going to try the cooked rice though. I hate to use pesticides.
My duck has been sitting on eggs starting May 16th. I had marked the eggs with a marker but I know she and the other female have laid more. When she gets off the nest (which isn't for very long) I can only see about 6 eggs at the most but I know there are more. Is it usual for them to just shove the eggs under the straw and feathers? I have no idea how many are in there now but I don't want to mess with anything.
Not cooked rice, uncooked rice it means to swell inside of them and kills them. and yes there are probably some under the straw and feathers. You going in and looking in her nest to see how many eggs she has is going to upset her but she'll get over it. I always check on my girls eggs to count, [but I practice birth control] mark and even candle. always when they are off they just come back in and settle right back down.
I haven't heard that but its worth a shot. Fire ants are monsters to kill without tons of pesticide which I don't use. Typically, they just move their mound. I have found that if I empty the buckets over a mound for a few days, they at least don't come up there anymore. I do this in the runs so the birds don't get bites on their feet.
Also have seen somewhere that pouring scalding hot water with salt in it and vinegar will kill them.
Mrs. Duck is stuck to her nest- hasn't moved in 24 hours.

Good morning everyone!!

Well, out of the 4 remaining eggs we lost 3 and hatched 1!! Here they are!!

Both momma's have a baby, each.

I finally slept a full nights sleep last night.

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