Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

my phone doesn't like to assist in replying to specific posts but for melissamerry, I was asked to post a pic of what I use for nests but couldn't find a good one and its dark now. I use a very large bucket, about 2' across and turn it upside down and cut a door in it.

for your situation, you may bee able to get her to change nesting sites since it doesn't sound like she's too intent. easiest week be in the future to only let her lay where you want her to.
goid luck, hope for the best.

fyi all, I have 3 more broodies now. really no idea what I'm thinking.
Another Black hatched this afternoon, so there are five eggs left. Mama is starting to look really thin - hope she can finish up soon! Do you think putting the babies in a brooder was the right thing to do? I feel so mean taking them away from her...
First egg was july seventh, think she started brooding them twenty second. fifteenth egg and last i knew of till recent was twenty sixth. no idea when any some or most may hatch, as weather here been weird. been getting her to take handful or more of worms, and sometimes other bugs, till she is sated, that's all aside from moss and greens stripped from pen, grass sod clumps I'm trying to gro in there that she keeps trimmed neatly down, bugs she eats from ground, pond, and air, occasional greens ect she seems to only nibble at, scratch spilled by pigeons, and in spurts her layer pellets. worms she will take even when on nest
would bait worms be really bad even for scovy ducks? as have parisites and chemicals and know bad for songbirds and exotic caged pets (when started out doing rescue was told not to use bait worms and if had to to start at head and squeeze along to try to get most of parisites and toxic chems out butt end with poo). i know not too much bout scovy ducks, but told they are a lot stronger to problems that would bother or kill other birds or even other duck species.
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Just thought about but male duck seems to eat only when female comes off nest then eats what she does only after she is done, except scratch feed and ariel tiny bugs maybe, though now female planted most of time, skeeters are getting bad as well as gnats again. think ducklings would be able to get out of that crate?
Another Black hatched this afternoon, so there are five eggs left. Mama is starting to look really thin - hope she can finish up soon! Do you think putting the babies in a brooder was the right thing to do? I feel so mean taking them away from her...
I doubt she'll take them back now. but if she has 5 to go and she is only hatching every other day my goodness she is going to still be there a while. Will she eat if you put food and water close by? add something with good protein in it like dried meal worms. and add poultry vitamins to her water. have you candled to see if the rest as living? If there isn't any more viable then take the last duckling the last duckling that hatches so she'll have at least one to raise. Or the last 3. if food and water is close by they will find it.
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One problem I see with the crate is if one does manage to fall out it won't be able to get back in and that could cause serious problems. after all have hatched I'd take them out of there and just give mama a safe nest of bedding to keep them in till she brings them out. You don't want there to be any thing that can get in the way of mama and ducklings. because if she has others she won't go out and take care of the one that has been lost or can't get back to her. So be sure to make her area as ducklings safe as possible.
Thanks so much! She does have her own food and water nearby, and I have meal worms on hand I can add. We took the ducklings mainly because they're in an area where our Swedish drake and Buff geese can get to them. The goose has killed chickens before...it just seemed like a big risk.

Also, the feet of the little Blue duckling were stuck for a whole day in the eggshell, which was flattened and dried because mama was laying on it. We finally took him so we could pry it off, and he seemed very happy to be free. We know not to "help" ducklings hatch, but the shell was hard as a rock and we were getting worried he would suffer leg damage.

We candled the eggs a couple of weeks ago and removed the non-viable ones, but lately she won't let us touch them!
Thanks so much! She does have her own food and water nearby, and I have meal worms on hand I can add. We took the ducklings mainly because they're in an area where our Swedish drake and Buff geese can get to them. The goose has killed chickens before...it just seemed like a big risk.

Also, the feet of the little Blue duckling were stuck for a whole day in the eggshell, which was flattened and dried because mama was laying on it. We finally took him so we could pry it off, and he seemed very happy to be free. We know not to "help" ducklings hatch, but the shell was hard as a rock and we were getting worried he would suffer leg damage.

We candled the eggs a couple of weeks ago and removed the non-viable ones, but lately she won't let us touch them!
Aww come on, she may put up a fuss but your bigger. LOL and what if another was to need help? I'd look and candle, she has to get off sometime, that's when you make your move. I go in and close the door so she can't get back on the nest till I'm through. I agree if there is a chance one of the geese or drake could get one then you did the right thing, can you not move her and rest of ducklings to a safer area till they are old enough to be out with the flock. I have 2 geese and know how worrisome they can be when there's ducklings around. Now that our ducklings are 10 weeks they all run together again.
Hello my lovely duck lovers!!

I apologize for not being on for a while. Our parents have fallen (literally) ill and let's just say getting to my posts on here were one of the many things I have had to let go of. Anyways....all is getting better....my mom is healing.

In the meantime.....our 2 babies are nearly full grown ducks!! I cannot believe how fast they grow!! They still cheep....not yet a quack but they are trying!!

I have to admit....I am having a hard time with 3 duck hens. They are just too much. I had 5 drakes, alone, for over a year and they were the most peaceful creatures. Not messy...easy to be around, followed me...made no noise. Hens....let's just say if you have more than one you know what I mean!! They are so nasty!! Well, their poop is hideous...the noise they make at me when I am out with them is awful. Why are they so mean?? I am looking to downsize to just one mama. I just am being defeated with the smell they make of their coop and their pond. It's really hard to keep after 3 of them and their pond. My water bill is huge!! LOL!!

Sure have missed y'all so much! I'm going to read everyone and see what's been going on!

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