Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

...My next one hatched out only 1 and abandoned it a few days later.  Baby found my other broody and took up with her.  She just hatched out 9 or 10 (I'm not sure) Saturday and is doing a good job of taking care of them..."

How did I miss that news JW?! And the adopted baby still around and everyone is fine together? That is great. Did you post pics?

About a broody mom that's not moving: last time I forced mom off the nest, but this time around I'm just leaving them. They seem happier without me bugging them and I figure they know what they need to do, just like we do when it's our turn. Mine are usually off and back on super quick. Yesterday however the 2 Old Ladies wanted to swim and play, I had to escort them back to the pen, well after the rest of the flock had locked themselves up. Goofy gals they are! Actually I figured she might be going into Lockdown with Only one week left. This eve I heard her talking to them, so sweet.

I'm curious about that drake. Now my Khaki Campbell drake is being a little aggressive reproductively with OL#1 when she leaves her nest. She of course is not interested. He was great with the ducklings last year, but I'm thinking I will have to watch him.
My broody came off just now! I'm watching her act like a fool right now, zooming around eating drinking & even took like a 30 second dip. Her husband is following her around like a lost puppy. Ohh she's already back on her nest!
I had no updates as of yesterday, still need to check this morning, she's sat tight though.

Here an updated pic.. she wasn't to thrilled for the photo op.

The weather is about to get worse, -17C windchills tonight, i could be ill, it had been so stable and is nothing but negatives all the way through... i am trying to keep it together but i admit i am loosing it...
This is SO stressful.
She did hatch one, but since she can't care for him properly outside, (rookie mom) so I brought them both inside. I then gave her the chicken eggs I am trying to incubate, and she is taking care of them while I fix my incubator.

wow, I would like to see a picture of a WH runner duck. Sounds really nice.

heres some pictures of silver harelequin & regular welsh harlequin runners




I candeled the eggs last night. No veins so took them
All out today.. craked one open no forming at all
Replace the 15 duck with 10 fertilized chicken eggs.
Have you had success with them switching in the past? i had two girls do that, funny enough one was the one sitting now, the nest did poorly though, nothing lived.

Last year I would find OL #2 on the nest alongside #1 in the ams, caught her "egg bombing" the nest a few times, but she gave it up. This year I've left them both pretty much alone so fingers crossed it will go okay. I hope. We'll know in a few days!
I had no updates as of yesterday, still need to check this morning, she's sat tight though. Here an updated pic.. she wasn't to thrilled for the photo op. The weather is about to get worse, -17C windchills tonight, i could be ill, it had been so stable and is nothing but negatives all the way through... i am trying to keep it together but i admit i am loosing it... :barnie This is SO stressful.
I'm sorry, may have missed something GQ, but did you candle? I've lost track of days, what # are you on? Edited to add: it just hit me, she's a Scovy, so it takes a bit longer right? Keep calm let her do the work!
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I'm sorry, may have missed something GQ, but did you candle? I've lost track of days, what # are you on?
Edited to add: it just hit me, she's a Scovy, so it takes a bit longer right? Keep calm let her do the work!

Yes, she's a scovie so we get an extended level of stress... er wait lol

She hatched one yesterday, we THINK a few more have i won't know till later this morning, my biggest issue is our cold, it's nasty... -10C with windchills into the teens and snowing. Only going to be worse, we had a nightmare trying to move her yesterday, so let her keep the old spot, fenced it off(the other ducks didn't care whatsoever) and put feed/water low enough for a babe, i also tilted a heat lamp in her direction, i have a stall all set to use for her and her brood, safer, warmer but she may not co-operate even today.

I know she can keep them warm enough but they do have to eat which puts them at risk of chill. so they need under a lamp area.

Here a bad but gives an idea of the hatched one yesterday, you can also see that really dark egg. I have candled nothing, i suck at doing that no other way to put it but i should know whether we have more another egg had pipped yesterday.. two of them though, look dud like but i will definitely candle before doing a thing unless dusty tosses them then likely they are, she would know.

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Yes, she's a scovie so we get an extended level of stress... er wait lol

She hatched one yesterday, we THINK a few more have i won't know till later this morning, my biggest issue is our cold, it's nasty... -10C with windchills into the teens and snowing. Only going to be worse, we had a nightmare trying to move her yesterday, so let her keep the old spot, fenced it off(the other ducks didn't care whatsoever) and put feed/water low enough for a babe, i also tilted a heat lamp in her direction, i have a stall all set to use for her and her brood, safer, warmer but she may not co-operate even today.

I know she can keep them warm enough but they do have to eat which puts them at risk of chill. so they need under a lamp area.

Here a bad but gives an idea of the hatched one yesterday.

Congrats GQ! one thing is the ducklings won't need to eat for a few days so that may give your temps time to normalize a bit. I hope so. I have my first broody chickens but no ducks yet.

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