Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

they mated this morning shes been sitting off and on for about a week

At least you know that!
Our current broody girl, Seelie, is laying on a nest (some her eggs, some from two others) and I've no idea if any of the eggs are going to hatch. *chuckle* Our boys apparently have specific tastes, because I've only ever seen them go for two ducks in particular, and neither of those girls is Seelie.
I'm hoping I've just been missing that particular bonding. *chuckle*
At least you know that!
Our current broody girl, Seelie, is laying on a nest (some her eggs, some from two others) and I've no idea if any of the eggs are going to hatch. *chuckle* Our boys apparently have specific tastes, because I've only ever seen them go for two ducks in particular, and neither of those girls is Seelie.
I'm hoping I've just been missing that particular bonding. *chuckle*
Well hopefully you have, I actually never know when my ducks are mating unless I happen to be out at the right time, now if they gave the victory call like my gander It would be more apparent.
I had to share this, I have 3 white Scovy's who will be 9yrs old in July, once in a blue moon they will lay and egg but today this is what I found.
it really doesn't do it justice how small it is. this isn't one of the big eggs some of my girls lay sitting next to it. Just thought I'd share there is some spunk in the old girl after all.
I wonder if this egg hatch if it would have a miniature Muscovy in it. LOL
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