Old flock is Gone, Looking for a New One!

I have Isa Browns. They are very quiet. They don't even sing an egg song that I can tell. I have heard Australorps are as a rule quiet birds and Buff Orpingtons.
My Wyandottes and frizzle bantam cochins are the quietest.
Rita & Prudy are quiet (Silkie); however, the other Silkie is not.
My Ameraucana that is laying screams out her egg song. The young pullets are quiet.

You can get a noisy hen out of a breed known for being quiet. I think it is half individual and half genetic.
Wow this could get alot of differant answers!
I was gonna say my BRs were among the quietest.
Also I have 2 wyanadottes(my first) that hardly speak.
My RIR hens make alot of annoucements.
My Cochin was the quietest even though she was top hen. My silkie is very quiet too. I have 3 BA's - one quiet, one medium, and one LOUD (top hen). Hard to tell by breed, could help to get mature hens that you know are quiet, but things can change as they get older and get new flock mates.
Sounds to me like there are a lot of different personalities out there among the flocks. I will likely try a few different ones and rehome or cull anybody who speaks out too much. Chicken Flock Totalitarian style;)
My RSL and EEs can get loud at times. Mostly egg song and if they see a predator. Just need to redirect them when they get vocal. When I just had 3 hens it was easy to care for them.Very little issue with poo/flies until I added another 5!

I think any type is doable as long as you keep ther flock size down.Grow some miscanthus or other tall plants for a buffer. I think certain neighbors will complain even if they hear one peep out of the hens,and you just can't keep animals quite 100% of the time.

I just sold my next door neighbor some eggs,and she bought another 12 for her daughter living next door to her.Left me just 2 eggs,but if it keeps them happy I am lucky!

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