Old flock is Gone, Looking for a New One!


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 31, 2011
Portland, Oregon
So long story short is I had a flock of hens which I had to sell off because we moved from the farm where we lived and I moved into a residential neighborhood where I was told I couldn't do chickens. After moving I started doing some research and discovered that I can have chickens, but have to be careful due to neighbors having the power to cause me problems if they are a noise issue. So I am going to get a new flock in the spring (probably as chicks). I previously had

Barred Rock
Cuckoo Maran
Rhode Island Red

I am wonder what chickens are a good neighborhood bird (ie quiet!), I want to be courteous and reapectful, so my neighbor never even know there are chickens.

What are the most quiet breed? (I know RIR, Leghorns, and Silkies are incredibly loud birds)
Hi and

I would say the Americanas (EEs), Welsummers, and Silkies are the quietest on your list. Good luck!
I would get a flock of Silkies and no roos as they are the loud ones, they are cute, small, gentle, and very fluffy, with any luck your neighbors just might enjoy watching the fluffy birds in your coop, or they may even mistake them for some kind of cat lol I have had that happen
Our noisiest birds are the barred rocks followed by the silkies. The quieter birds I have are the black australorp, black copper marans and a buckeye. The buckeye gets picked on by everyone (including the silkies). I think she's quietly trying not to be seen.
My silkies where incredibly loud, second only to the RIR. The silkies would wake me up and both were hens! I had terrible luck with my welsummers both were psycho killers (extreme feather pickers!!!!). Our barred rock only made noise if you picked them up. Keep the suggestions coming though I love to hear what everyone thinks!

Anyone have any experience with Red/Black Sex-Link/Star and how noisy they are? Similar to RIR?
Wow, I have never heard my silkies make any noise at all except for the rooster crow-offs in the morning....

However, I would say that my NNs never make any noise at all....although, that is a breed most either love or hate. Myself, I love them
Everything I have read said that they do surprisingly well with the cold...there is another thread running right now about just that...I really love them, they are so personable and sweet

Here is what my 16 year old son thinks about his NN, Beardie

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They are great chickens, calm and docile. They come in a variety of colors...check out the Naked neck/Turken thread on here. I have a couple of my others posted there and many others have theirs posted too...they are great chickens

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