Old Galvanized 130 lb feeder...come take a look "PIC"

Absolutely LOVE it, and extemely envious!!
One mans trash is another mans treasure, and that would be MY treasure. I have a LOT of things that no one else would want but if you would see it you would just have a wow moment. We have a barn that is so to big and will be down sizing but That feeder would really stay with the farm.
figured i would up this old thread for the heck of it. Tried to reach the manufacture via email a few times trying to find out more about it but no response back. Call me crazy but i think im going to have to use it for a range feeder outside this spring. My 30 black aussie hens love it in the barn, "a little too much if you ask me lol" but once the weather clears outside they all will go. Since the feeder does not have any type of rain shield to cover the exposed feed area i guess i am going to custom build one or just build a type of covered mini shed out of some scrap wood i have laying around. I knows its galvanized, but this thing is way to neat to run the risk of letting it rust outside this summer.
I built a simple shelter for my feeders out of some firring strips and plastic roofing sheets. It is just nailed together and might fall apart any day, but it does the trick except with blowing rain. Sometimes I hang a canvas tarp up over the top and two sides. It is bungee corded to two metal fence posts to keep it from blowing away hopefully. You can see it here in front of the metal shed (don't laugh- I'm not handy).
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Heck that's prolly better than anything I could do. I was thinking about takeing the bottom base off and the neck rail off and re-painting them bright red to really spruce up the looks of the feeder. Or do you think that would ruin the "antiqueness" of it? Throught the rust I think I can see where it use to be red the day it was made in the factory so I thought it would be cool to restore it back to its original color.

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