Old. Heritage, Heirloom Breeds?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 18, 2010
I did some brief research on this the other night... I"m fond of old things, and I maintain an all heirloom/open pollinated garden, and when I add livestock, I want to do the same thing. I want the old hens- I want to keep my hens for eggs mainly, but plan to add them to the stew pot when their egg laying prime is over. I was thinking Plymouth Rocks and RIRs. Are there any REALLY old, rare breeds out there?
The REALLY old breeds aren't "American class" birds.

Dominiques, Javas, and Rocks were recognized in 1874.

Wyandottes were recognized in 1883.

RIR were accepted in 1904.

I'm not sure when the individual breeds were created or refined.
The APA puts all birds into classes, based on where they were created/developed to my limited knowledge. The classes are Asiatic, American, Mediterranean, English, Continental, and All other as far as I know.
I take back my earlier post at the mention of Bantams. I think the APA only classes Standard sized, or Large fowl birds. I think.
Breed clasification is listed at http://www.amerpoultryassn.com/breed_classifications.htm

are the large fowl and bantam classes.

Large Breed Classifications

American Class: Plymouth Rocks, Dominique's, Wyandotte's, Javas, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Buckeyes, Chanteclers, Jersey Giants, Lamonas, New Hampshire's, Hollands and Delawares.
Asiatic Class: Cochins, Langshans, Brahmas

English Class: Dorkings, Redcaps, Cornish, Orpingtons, Sussex, Australorps

Mediterranean Class: Leghorns, Minorcas, Spanish, Andalusians, Ancona, Sicilian Buttercups, Catalanas

Continental Class: Hamburgs, Campines, Lakenvelders, Polish, Houdans, Crevecoeurs, La Fleche, Faverolles, Welsummers and Barnevelders

All Other Standard Breeds: Modern Game, Old English Games, Sumatras, Malays, Cubalayas, Phoenix, Yokohamas, Aseels, Shamos, Sultans, Frizzles, Naked Necks, Araucanas, Ameraucanas

Bantams Classifications

Modern Game Class: Modern Game

Game Class: American Game and Old English Game

Single Comb Clean Legged: Anconas, Andalusians, Australorps, Campines, Catalanas, Delawares, Dorkings, Dutch, Frizzles, Hollands, Japanese, Javas, Jersey Giants, Lakenvelders, Lamonas, Leghorns, Minorcas, Naked Necks, New Hampshires, Orpingtons, Phoenix, Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Spanish , Sussex,

Rosecomb Clean Legged:Anconas, Antwerp Belgians {D'anvers} Dominiques, Dorkings, Hamburgs, Leghorns, Minorcas, Redcaps, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Rosecombs, Sebrights, Wyandottes

All Other Clean Legged: Ameraucana, Araucana, Buckeye, Chanteclers, Cornish, Crevecoeurs, Cubalayas, Houdans, La Fleche, Malays, Polish, Shamos, Sicilian Buttercups, Sumatras, Yokohamas

Feather Legged: Booted, Brahmas, Cochins, d'Uccle Faverolles, Frizzles, Langshans, Silkies, Sultans​


Del's are also critically endangered. Good dual purpose birds. VERY FRIENDLY too, VERY FRIENDLY!
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