old member back from hiatus


10 Years
Jun 2, 2011
hello again! I have been a member of the site for ears, come an check things out here and ther but haven't posted in a long time. I posted new thread awhile ago, butI see it has not been read and isn't in bold print like the other posts. Sis I do something wrong? Do I need t post more before I can start a new thread? I m confed. thank you
Welcome back. BYC has just gone through a very MAJOR site change and even many of us "oldies," are just feeling our way along in the dark. I am not a techy person and not good about changes but, I love BYC and the many friends I have made here. I will prevail. We all will.

I think this is why you may not have received replies. I know I am very disoriented
and I feel just working at 25% of my potential right now. Before the site change I felt I was doing 100+%.

Things will only improve as we keep at it.

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