Old West Saloon Coop


13 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Lexington, KY
Inspired by the "Eggcelsior" coop (link below) I set out to build my own fun Saloon Coop (I build them for fun and then sell them so others can enjoy chickens!). I used a lot of reclaimed materials on this one (which is rather apparent haha)! Here's the results. :)







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Wow! I love it! Just one question, what do your chickens own that they need to store away?

Lol nice one. :) You know there's always just that weird space above the boxes and if you leave it open the chickens will get there and poop all over making it a cleaning issue. So I just block it off with wire and make sure it can be accessed by the back door and you can store like cleaning tools for the boxes there or egg cartons or something.
Lol nice one. :) You know there's always just that weird space above the boxes and if you leave it open the chickens will get there and poop all over making it a cleaning issue. So I just block it off with wire and make sure it can be accessed by the back door and you can store like cleaning tools for the boxes there or egg cartons or something.
Ya, that, I think, is probably why they make some nesting boxes outside of the coop. I personally like my nesting box inside of the coop, so that sounds like a good idea to do. :)
Ya, that, I think, is probably why they make some nesting boxes outside of the coop. I personally like my nesting box inside of the coop, so that sounds like a good idea to do. :)

Yeah I'm not a big fan of the hang-off boxes. I personally don't like the look and secondly I don't like how they weather over time. It does eat up some coop space- but hey, you can always just build them bigger. ha!
Love love your Coops!

What are the dimensions of your coop?

This specific one is 3x5, with 1' being the front porch, so the enclosed space is 3x4. Inside the enclosed space the boxes take up 1', so really the "living area" is about a 3x3x3 cube. I have two roosts in there. I'd say this could comfortably fit 4-6 chickens. I imagine people with big runs may pack more in there! lol.

I actually already sold this one! The lady who purchased it is going to fill it with silkies! haha. So I am actually making some adjustments for her based on that.

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