Older Cat Questions-Updated Pg 3!!!!!

yeah, that's what I said a couple of posts ago...
right.. and I hate to waste the food that he needs on my other garbage eaters (they not picky and would eat anything in front of them) him.. not so much.. I literally threw a hole bag of the prescription stuff out.. he would not touch it.. even mixed with regular food.. will see about vet. limited here on good small animal vets.. only one local that I would consider... he just ate some moist food.. for older/mature cats.. now laying on my bed watching me and purring.. will call and see about trying prescription food again.. I know part of it may be that with his age his teeth are not as good as a younger cat and some of this food is large and seems to be very crunchy.. I have tried to moisten food but he does nott like that.. therefore the canned food he seems to enjoy- if nothing else licking all the gravy and juices off..
GET YOUR KITTY TO THE VET ASAP!!! It could either be hyperthyroidism, or CRF (chronic renal failure). I just lost my 14 1/2 yr old Athena to CRF + hyperthyroidism. I have read that methimazole, which contols hyperT, can lead to CRF. Please get your kitty to the vet before it's too late. Get some bloodwork done if you can afford it. If it is CRF, there is an EXCELLENT group on Yahoo, which really helped me alot when Athena was 1st diagnosed. There is also a hyperT group on Yahoo that is excellent.

Forgot to say if it is just kidney stones, try putting a little ACV, the organic with the mother, in his water.

TOTW has come out with another Cat formula that has less protein than the original formula. The Canyon River formula is 10% less protein and 2% less fat. I feed it to all my kitties which includes 2 geriatrics (18 &13) and 3-2year old. 18 year old just had her yearly check up and I asked the vet to do blood tests because she is 18years old and I wanted to make sure there was nothing underlying that we were missing. Other than her usual arthritis and a slight bladder infection, the vet said she wishes that her patients half Butterscotches age had such good blood work.

Have your boy checked out to be safe then give the Canyon River formula a try
yeah, that's what I said a couple of posts ago...

Great minds?
Typing between tasks slows me waaaaay down and I can easily miss several posts by the time I hit submit.
This is what I've been feeding my 15 year old cat. She seems to really enjoy it and she's fighting fit!

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