older chicks molting, no eggs from anyone.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
my older chicks are molting and now nobody is laying. is it normal for everyone to stop laying or should I be concerned that something my be eating the eggs my younger hens are laying?
Very normal for molting birds to stop laying completely. Add that to the shorter days most of us deal with this time of the year, and you have a recipe for no eggs.

At least your younger group is laying, I haven't seen an egg in a couple of months! It frustrated me to the point where I sold most of my birds so I wouldn't have to keep feeding them (AND buy eggs from the grocery store).
I have a 40w light in the coop on a timer, that goes on from 4am to 8am all winter. Molting birds and old ladies don't lay eggs, but the pullets are doing fine. Ten to twelve eggs from 22 birds right now. Mary
truly I don't know if y younger hens are laying I haven't seen an egg in 7 weeks. I'm supplementing their layer crumbles with other foods, some BOSS, and oyster shells. should I add a light at dawn and dusk?

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