Older girl becoming lethargic, panting at odd times, and mustard yellow diarrhea.


Sep 1, 2020
Hi, my 4 year old Americana is showing some symptoms. She's constantly breathing heavily, is being lethargic, and is having mustard yellow droppings. She's had issues with respiratory infections in the past but I'm not sure that this is what it is. Any help is appreciated.

How hot is it, do you have plenty of ventilation?

If she has a history of respiratory disease, then she may be having a relapse.
Have you tried treating her with medications that you have used in the past?

When was her last egg?
Have you dewormed, checked for lice/mites, made sure her crop is emptying?

How hot is it, do you have plenty of ventilation?

If she has a history of respiratory disease, then she may be having a relapse.
Have you tried treating her with medications that you have used in the past?

When was her last egg?
Have you dewormed, checked for lice/mites, made sure her crop is emptying?
It is a lot hotter out here lately, we're going to pickup some vet RX later today and try that. She has had respiratory infections yearly for the last four years and quit laying after the first one which we treated with antibiotics. This one seems different though, maybe just less developed. A lot of head shaking which we have seen before and also she's off balance a lot. Eating and drinking just fine though.
If she's not laid eggs in a few years, then she may be suffering from a reproductive problem in addition to the respiratory illness.

Do you ever treat with antibiotics? While VetRx won't hurt her, it's basically like vicks vapor rub for chickens. It's a remedy that may offer a bit of relief, but it's not going to fight infection.

The head shaking, look inside her ears for infection, pus or bugs. Look inside her beak for lesions, mucous, yellow or white pasty material. Check to make sure her crop is emptying and feel her abdomen for bloat or fluid.
If she is older the heat can negatively impact any underlying issues- I had heavy breeds, dark Brahmas, that are prone to fatty liver disease. I learned after a necropsy that that was the case and the heat wave here was too much. They had very similar symptoms that you described- in fact I treated all three for eggbound and suspected respiratory issues, neither were found.
I have been bringing in my big girls and giving them cool(not cold) baths and letting them back out to air dry to try to bring their temps down.
Good luck! I know how frustrating it is not to know what steps to take bc so many chicken things present the same!!!

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