Older Hen Flogs Pullet for Submitting to Roo

Thanks howfunkyisurchicken for the reply. I'm kind of thinking that the crusty nostrils are from drainage from her eyes as well. I've held off today on the Duramycin and she's in the garage. Her eyes are looking a little better than this morning. I want to see what they look like in the morning after she's been sleeping to see if they're crusted over again. She sat on my lap in the house today since nobody was home to tell me she couldn't!! The bully hen will resume her sentence as soon as I get the pullet back into the coop. Thanks again!
Just wanted to say thanks to Ridgerunner and howfunkyisurchicken for all of the advice! My little pullet is doing much better, and "bully mama" has settled down too. The pullet is back to laying her pretty blue eggs and her eyes are finally cleared up. She steers clear of the bully and the bully for the most part minds her own business. Yesterday I had them all outside in the yard. The pullet flew down to the run with the roo quickly moving in behind her. He did his "business" with a little bit of resistance. Bully hen took notice, but couldn't run that far fast enough to get there before he finished. The pullet ran into the coop and the bully didn't get her chance to do anything. It seems like every time one of the girls get covered by the roo, EVERYONE goes after her! It's a hard thing to watch! Thanks again though for the advice!

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