Older hen with Coccidiosis?


6 Years
Jun 29, 2014
Chicago suburb
Beaky is 3.5 years old and started acting funny yesterday morning. I quarantined her last night and discovered she has diarrhea (picture below) and is not eating or drinking. She stands still for the most part, stretches her neck out from side to side and fluffs up her feathers.

There is no feed store nearby that carries Corid, so I ordered online for next day delivery. I left her with water with ACV and went to work.

Can anyone confirm/deny my diagnosis?


Have you added other chickens or moved to new soil recently? Cocci is unusual in older birds who have been on the same soil for so long. Enteritis may be a problem though. A vet could do a gram stain on a poo specimen to look for that. Does she walk funny or act wobbly? Does she still lay eggs, or has she ever laid thin-shelled eggs? Her symptom don't seem to sound like coccidiosis, but I may be wrong. She sounds a little like she may have a reproductive issue, such as egg yolk peritonitis or internal laying. The runny poop with the dark specks of poo look similar to those I have seen in pictures. Here are some links about EYP and internal laying in case you think it could be that: http://www.chickenvet.co.uk/health-and-common-diseases/egg-laying-issues/index.aspx
Thanks, I'll check out those links. I do have a newish chick, but kept her/him quarantined for 6 weeks until the middle of August. I am more concerned with the rest of my flock getting sick although I don't want Beaky to suffer needlessly. She's not wobbly, but walking slow. She stopped laying about a year ago or so, but occasionally lays a thin-shelled egg, or other strange-looking egg. I don't have the means to get to a vet, so will be doing what I can at home.
The new chicken could have brought in a different strain of coccidia that is in your soil, and that your hens have built immunity to over time. The Corid won't hurt her if you choose to use it. Many people use penicillin or Baytril to treat egg yolk peritonitis. The Procaine Penicillin G is easily found at most farm stores, but the Baytril usually comes from a vet. As I would do with any sick chicken, check for lice and mites, check the crop to make sure it is emptying in early morning, and think about worming.
When I got home from work, her poo had a lot more yellow yolk in it, so I think it's unfortunately the peritonitis, It's been so long since she laid an egg I just thought she was done and would live her life out showing the younger girls how to avoid danger (she's very good at that).

I just looked at the closest feed stores in the Chicago area, and none carry procaine. I did see a very expensive duramycin 10, and I really need a much cheaper option. The exotic vets around here that take chickens are too expensive as well.

I've been reading about humane euthanasia, and may even try a necropsy. I'm not sure I can kill my own pet, even if she wasn't the friendliest gal, she was one of my first chickens and the last of her group to survive.

Thank you for the links, they helped tremendously, I feel like their is a need for an inexpensive "vet" to prescribe medications without seeing the animal. Almost makes me want to go back to school and change careers.
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Thank you for the links. IL residents need a vet prescription to buy syringes, so my guess is that is the reason no local feed stores carry procaine and all online stores require a prescription from a vet. My dog vet won't prescribe for me, and exotics won't unless I bring the chicken in. So, I'll have to try the duramycin 10. Can I use amoxicillin powder mixed into water while I wait for the order to arrive? She's not in the best shape,
You could dose her with amoxicillin 125mg twice a day or 100mg 3 times a day. Amoxicillin would probably be better than the Duramycin. You may do better with getting meds and syringes online.

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