mycoplasmosis is whats killing her now, swollen sinuses only apparent now, mucous in mouth and throat constantly swallowing and eventually she will suffocate to death on that if i were to let her. All that ehad shaking she has been doing now i know is due to mucous blocking the airways, but was it always what those head shakes were ? They seemed neurological to me before whereas now the neurological signs are gone. But what caused her to become lethargic and stop eating and start wasting away nearly half a year ago??? … i don’t know. She actually started getting better when i did the vitamin supplementation with syringe feeding, she started eating by herself and then two days later she suddenly stopped and became worse.
She is only alive thanks to a tiny space and steam vaporiser full on eucalyptus inhalant and me feeding her. Im attempting syringe feeding tetracyclines as they are the only ones i have and then later feeding her with liquid avain emergency food. I will attempt this for the whole course of antibiotics because i already started. But i assume its too late.

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