Older hen with sudden issues please help

Update on perky penny

She's inside my house still, keeping her hay spotless, medications, ginger and rosemary and garlic water, and except for the spraddle legged walking (what little she does move) she's fine?
The bottom area is still nasty and requires cleaning.
But she seems to feel ok.
She's eating like a plowhorse, drinking plenty, bright eyed and engaged.
What gives?
I'm glad she's not suffering by my heart!
But idk how to help her. I thought she'd either got a dead egg or some infection in there.
Nothing has happened with massages or hot water bathes.
It's it possible that simply old age related issues (i.e. tumor) can make their abdomen swell and cause them to waddle and be sedentary?
Abdomen swelling can be from Salpingitis, EYP, tumors, cancer, Internal Laying. Fluid can also accumulate in the abdomen as well. Having a bad odor, I would suspect infection - whether it's Salpingitis or some other cause, it would be hard to know.
Often we cannot determine what is going on until they die and necropsy is performed. Not for everyone, but doing your own at home to take a look can be informative. You can also have a professional necropsy performed by your state lab.

If she's eating/drinking and relatively active, then putting her back with the flock and tending to her daily needs, giving medication and clean ups may be the way to go. I rarely separate out a hen from her flock unless she's getting picked at. I do check on them daily or more often depending on what's going on with them. Even if they don't move about a lot, they usually find a reasonably comfy place and settle in. I observe. I do notice a buddy may come sit with them quietly for a while during the day.
Thanks for the response. I'm just so unsure how to handle this.
Normally i wouldn't separate her out, but i noticed her not getting around very well and the other girls were rather shoving her away from food and water.
Not mean to her at all, just oblivious as chickens are.
Plus, i was her first "flock" lol and it was just us two for a year or more. I think she kinda likes being back inside.
She's talkative and alert.
Eating and drinking very well.
I'm not understanding what to do except keep her comfy.
At the risk of sounding heartless, I'm doing everything i humanly can do, meds, cleaning, etc.
I just don't understand how she can be so perky with a belly like a football?
Oh and there's nothing inside her that i can feel.

Well. I guess she'll either get better or pass on. Until then i just plan to keep her comfy.

Thank you to everyone who's given so much excellent advice.
I really value this site and you all.
The antibiotics may be helping with inflammation.
They can act normal and perky. She may be happier with you inside, it's possible she wasn't getting a lot to eat/drink and just being by herself with food/water has made a difference.

When I have one that has a reproductive issue, I take it one day at a time. Some days are better than others.

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