Omak Chicken Coop by Dave

Incandescent bulbs are what is recommended.... they are close to daylight......

If you are into saving money, now there is an option using CFL's that are "Daylight" frequencies....
It's best to increase the light gradually....15 minutes every 4-5 days...instead of cranking it up all at once.
It's best to increase the light gradually....15 minutes every 4-5 days...instead of cranking it up all at once.

My timer has 30 minute increments sooooo, I'm going 30 minutes every 7 days... and the light is a flood light in a shroud, and it's pointed at the floor of the coop..... The chickens get pretty much, very indirect light... hope it don't screw them up too much...
The Roo wakes them up at 4:45 now.... Heck, it's still dark.... like the inside of a tomb.... Sunrise about 7:30.....
That'll do then, huh?

My roo crows before light too....but they won't get down and eat until it's light....or now until the light comes on.
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First Egg..... WOWZER !!!!! , is it a pricey one... Now they amortize to a lower price....

16 days since I turned on the lights.... 9 days Layena layer feed.... plus roasted egg shells and oyster shells... and all the other stuff I give them...

Why lay in the nest box when the floor, at the far end of the coop, under the poop board, has such a great view of my coop mates and the morning sunrise..... Only time will tell if I need an "egg collecting door" down at that end... I am NOT crawling on my hands and knees to collect eggs every morning.....

Nice, WooHoo!!...get you a small plastic rake to fetch em out from under there.
I have one about 8" wide that is great for fluffing the shavings over my vinyl flooring.
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Nice, WooHoo!!...get you a small plastic rake to fetch em out from under there.
I have one about 8" wide that is great for fluffing the shavings over my vinyl flooring.

Hey aart.... I have one of those rakes.......
You probably can't taste the difference but..... the fresh egg has a depth of flavor that is hard to describe.... The store bought egg was good yesterday, but today is has very little flavor.... BLAND would be a good description...
Home grown egg, home made bacon, home made zucchini bread and store bought French bread... Life is good today....

Nice, WooHoo!!...get you a small plastic rake to fetch em out from under there.
I have one about 8" wide that is great for fluffing the shavings over my vinyl flooring.

I used my "Red Rake" to scoop up todays egg.... Very handy.... Egg # 2 ... 48 grams ... getting bigger.. ..... In the same place as yesterday.... Now I have colored leg bands ordered so I know who's laying... With 5 RED hens and one black and one white.... I have gotta know who's holding up their end....
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