Omega 3 ???

Further search found this...

Go half way down the page and you will find this

.....I wonder why?

It could be because of the high level of omega-6 fatty acids in BOSS.

There are two fatty acids that cannot be produced within the body. These are omega-3 (linolenic) and omega-6 (linoleic).

When the two are in balance they can offer anti-inflammatory properties. But no one knows the balance for horses.

Research in humans and dogs have shown when omega-6 is too high arachidonic acid is produced increasing inflammation, the chances of osteoarthritis, decreased bone formation and decreasing the allergy fighting properties omega-3 provides.

Here's the catch for black oil sunflower seeds - it's high in omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 is almost non-existent.......

been doing lots of research lately to see what I can do to help prevent my cancer from returning. If changing the way I eat will do it, that's the least I can do. But dang do I really have to give up my Dr. Pepper??!!
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i give a bit of corn and black oil sunflower for internal heat production to help them through the winter....I do not know if it "really" works but it seems to for me. maybe i could feed them flax as a neutrilizer.
been doing lots of research lately to see what I can do to help prevent my cancer from returning. If changing the way I eat will do it, that's the least I can do. But dang do I really have to give up my Dr. Pepper??!!

No, you just have to switch to the diet version (the Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is pretty tasty

On my Examiner page down the right column is a list of articles that show the connection between cancer and carbohydrate consumption. Check them out.
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Leafy greens, nuts and whole grains are all good plant sources for chickens (and us)...cabbage is inexpensive this time of year so it's one of the things I'm using. I also offer suet (for winter energy) mixed with whole grains and flax seed. Occasionally in winter I offer timothy alfalfa cubes soaked in hot water. Had 12 eggs today!

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Which is exactly why we grass feed and grass finish our beef and lamb. Our customers come from great distances to get meat which was not grain fed.

Exactly. He even says in the book that even though the packaging may say organic it still is high in Omega 6's unless the packaging also says grass or flaxmeal fed

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