OMG found a fox about to kill my chickens! Need help fox proofing

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9 Years
Dec 12, 2013
Lancashire, England
On Thursday, my beautiful Polish Sophie was killed by a fox. I was very upset and to prevent any other deaths I secured the coop and closed in there run, they have the walls of protection that I closed of to the inner most secure wall. One hour ago I looked out the window and saw a fox about to pounce inside this fence. Immediately my family and I ran out side screaming distract it and we managed to get them out. It had one of them but she seems to be OK. We captured the fox and after a lot of debate, released it. Now I need serious methods to stop the foxes, I can't deal with losing any more. We have considered getting two pigmy goats for the testosterone and walking them because we have heard that deters them. I really need suggestions.
The only way to stop a fox is to kill it. It knows your chickens are there and will be back. You should have taken care of it when you had the opportunity
Your coop needs to be predator proof; if a fox can get in he will return, and any other predator can also get in. When you released that fox, he left much wiser and much harder to trap again. He still loves chickens, so he will get yours or someone else's. Hope you don't live near me! My coop wouldn't stop a bear; don't have them here (YET!) but is secure otherwise. My birds free range, which is dangerous, but at times they are locked in until a daytime predator is eliminated. Chickens need protection, it's part of good chicken keeping. We've all had disasters, and learn from them. Mary
Your coop needs to be predator proof; if a fox can get in he will return, and any other predator can also get in.  When you released that fox, he left much wiser and much harder to trap again.  He still loves chickens, so he will get yours or someone else's.  Hope you don't live near me!  My coop wouldn't stop a bear; don't have them here (YET!)  but is secure otherwise.  My birds free range, which is dangerous, but at times they are locked in until a daytime predator is eliminated.  Chickens need protection,  it's part of good chicken keeping.  We've all had disasters, and learn from them.  Mary

I'd agree, touch wood the foxes can't get in ours and neither can the dog. Our run is covered over the top and the chicken wire on the sides goes down and out underground to deter digging. We've got a bolted door as well on the run and the girls are shut in their coops of a night. They sometimes sleep outside in the summer but they've got to a point where they dont seem to be scared of mr fox.

We also invested in one of those lights which is activated by motion, which helped as he would run off when he activated the light (we didn't get it for the foxes but it seems to be an added bonus)
I'd agree, touch wood the foxes can't get in ours and neither can the dog. Our run is covered over the top and the chicken wire on the sides goes down and out underground to deter digging. We've got a bolted door as well on the run and the girls are shut in their coops of a night. They sometimes sleep outside in the summer but they've got to a point where they dont seem to be scared of mr fox.

We also invested in one of those lights which is activated by motion, which helped as he would run off when he activated the light (we didn't get it for the foxes but it seems to be an added bonus)
Neither a motion actived light or chicken wire will deter a hungry fox for long.
The answer for my fox problem is shown in the pic below. Electrified poultry net, from Premier. Over 3yrs ago, I started with 300' of it. Since, I have bought 350' more, to expand the range a bit. The fox gets in excess of 7000Vs to the face, they lose all interest in chicken dinner.

I had no issues with predators the 1st 3 yrs of having chickens. my 1st one was found gutted :( I have more issues with hawks . then 2 yrs ago had a weasle it got 10 of mine , we found the issues to the 1 coop it got in. I have a electric poultry fence about 300 sq. ft. so I can't put a cover over it. This winter coyotes got 2 ducks & 2 hens, the snow was so deep they were able to get over the fence. Now :"( its a fox & I & 2 other neighbors are loosing chickens right & left. 2 wks aho it got 15 hens including 1 Roo & my last 2 ducks. a few hens & the male duck were taken, gone , but the rest of the hens were scattered all over . I have been letting the flock out to free range . the fox came back in the morning Sat, came back in the afternoon got my banty Roo, went to the neighbors got some from them. came back each morn.
yesterday afternoon DH came home to find 4 hens all around the house & 2 missing. It went the the neighbors, DH went over to shoot it, Missed. shortly after came back to neighbors & started to dig around their pool..... In the last 2 yrs I have gone from 60 to 20. a few I lost to hawks. & a couple older hens just died.
the main reason I started to let them free range during the day is many were flying over the fence, I did not want to clip their wings
This fox seems to be coming 3 x's a day. taken 1 for food is one thing , still not except-able to me or any chicken person. But killing, slaughtering
for fun. No sense to it. had to be more than 1 .. well its gonna be dead hopefully sooner rather than later.
Not only do we all have dogs, besides horses I have a mini Donkey. He must be sleeping.
The answer for my fox problem is shown in the pic below. Electrified poultry net, from Premier. Over 3yrs ago, I started with 300' of it. Since, I have bought 350' more, to expand the range a bit. The fox gets in excess of 7000Vs to the face, they lose all interest in chicken dinner.

what do you have laid on the ground under the fence ??
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