OMG!!! I'm a new parent!!!!

She has been so diligent through this process.

I was next door at my SILs this evening and when I came home I found an empty egg shell which could only mean one thing! Another chick. Sure enough I checked and another had hatched. A white/yellowish chick! I am not sure if it came from a SS egg or a WL egg but I don't care. This is just too cool of an experience!

Thanks for all of the kind words. Chickens have been hatching eggs for millennia and the simple act makes me feel like a giddy 2nd grader.
I have incubated eggs... And I have had a broody... I really like the incubator, but you just can't beat watching chicks with their momma..

Congrats!!!! To your hen, and to you!

This morning I've got 4 SS chicks and 2 WL chicks. With 2 more hatching out. No news with coffee this morning. Instead it will be chick hatching!!!

Pics to come.
The final count was.

3 White Leghorns. One is a bit wobbly and I had to help it out but it is holding its own
4 Silver Sebrighst (possible cross with WL).
1 SS was having a tough time of it and the membrane was dried out so I had to help it out as well. It didn't make it

3 bad eggs. Ick

So I was 7 for 11 on my first batch of broody hatched eggs!

And the good news? The WL hen who has been gone for 2 weeks reappeared today. After she snuck off I went in the general direction that we saw her return and found her sitting on a next of even more eggs!!!

My wife said "Too many chickens!!!" LOL

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