OMG..........My quail hatched, now what?


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Fountain, Florida
We really didn't think anything was gonna hatch from our inexpensive "Chick" incubator that came with 4 quail eggs. They were suppose to hatch in day 17 & today is day 21. My husband took the eggs outside and cracked them opend to have a look & there was a quail opening it's beak! So it's been back in the incubator all what? Can I grind up some chick starter for it? That is all I have right now. Andwhat can my quail drink out of? Any help is appreciated!
what color were these eggs? If they are white they ar emore than likely bobwhites which take something like 23 days to hatch. If they are coturnix then they can hatch anywhere from day 16 to day 18.

If your hubby didnt make the chick bleed just keep it in the incubator until you no longer see viens on the membrane and then help it out slowly...but if you see yolk it may end up dying. So if it was me i'd leave it in teh incubator for atleast another day before trying to assist.

wait the chicks out of the egg and walking around? if so, then put it in a brooder under a heatlamp, and offer it chick crumbles. You dont need to grind up feed for normal sized quails only buttons need it ground up. As for what to drink out of, if you have a cap to something you can use that, and jus tkeep it shallow.
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Hey there KattyKillFish! When he opened the egg the baby quail was there and moved and started opening it's mouth!
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yes you can feed them the medicated chick crumbles most game bird owners don't feed their birds medicated feed but if that's all you got on hand then use it
Theres some breederswho use it and have no problems. I use nonmedicated just because many warn against using it, for what reason im unsure but just to be on the safe side i dont.

Is the chick out of the egg and up and walking?
Yes, my new chick is out and about. We took the bulb from the "chick" brooder and have it in a little brooder. And it is the coturnix quail. He is loud and he is walking around. Stumbling some, but seems ok.
very glad to hear that he's okay! what a lucky little guy!
i had one of those small incubators and it didn't work a bit. u hear there are lots of problems with them. i would never recommend them to anyone but really that is so great that he's okay! i have coturnix hatching tomorrow. they might be a little stressed when you just have one but i've kept a single chick into adulthood. the lone ones get really attached to people.

if he starts having real problems you can add a bit of sugar into the water. from my experience lone chicks have a hard time learning to eat and drink on their own so if you have an eye dropper try to see if he'll take water from that.

congrats on your coturnix chick!
Thanks Katty! He is a lucky little quail. He is the 1st thing I have ever hatched and I am very excited! I've had hens hatch eggs out before, but this was my 1st incubator. I am in the market for a new one now though.

Oh I just love my new baby!!!!!!
just a heads up for when you buy another incubator. i don't suggest the Little Giant incubators as they have bad temp swings. i suggest a Brower or a GQF Hova-bator. if you can afford it the Brinsea (spelling?) are also really great to have.

can we see pics of the little guy
i wanna see what color he is! mine are A&M and they'll be hatching tomorrow night. glad to hear he's doing good! cheers!

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