Omg Yay!!!!!!!!!! My Hen just lay her 1st Egg!!!!!!!!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
I'm very excited. And I can't wait for it to hatch, though she's not sitting on the egg now, is something wrong???
Go chickens!!!!
Is it a young pullet's first egg? Yippee for her! Congrats you are the tender of a laying flock!

However, if it is a young pullet, it is unlikely she will be interested in sitting on her first egg and hatching it. It is unlikely she is "Broody".

How does the rooster feel about the hen and her first egg?
Mine layed her first egg about three weeks ago and lays almost every day now. Some of the others have started laying as well.It is very exciting. None of mine have went broody yet. At what age do they usually do that?
She probably won't incubate it if it is her first egg. She might never incubate an egg if she is a non-broody breed but...

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