On a BYC Binge!

We've been working our tail feathers off getting the coop ready, so we're ahead of schedule! Here's a picture of the nearly completed coop and run. We installed a metal roof on the run and built an access door this past weekend. This week I'll bring in coarse construction sand for the coop and run (they call it "granite screenings" here), finish installing the hardware fabric, add a little paint, then we're done!!

Since we're a few weeks ahead of schedule, I decided to go with chicks that are 4 to 9 weeks old. I'll learn their exact age once they arrive. I ordered from Murray McMurray since I don't know the reputable breeders in our area yet.

The coop is 3x3 (plus nesting box) and the run is 6x8.

I'll post pictures of the little ladies once they arrive!

Our chicks arrived this week and they all seem to be doing well! One of the Black Australorps is notably smaller than the other, so I'm going to keep a close eye on her. I may need to give her some extra TLC! Any suggestions on how to help the "runt" of the flock?

Since my first post, I've also found out some great news -- the city of Raleigh has no limits on the number of chickens one can keep!! I called Animal Control to verify and also found the specific ordinance online. This misinformation (that Raleigh only permits 4 birds) seems to be very widespread since I even found it here on BYC's LORE page, so I submitted the update.

Here's some pictures of our little chicky-poos!

Also, here's a picture of the finished coop!

Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you. Good luck with your birds!

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