On and off pale face


In the Brooder
Aug 3, 2020
One of my chickens, a gold laced wyandotte hen, keeps having weird on and off moments where her face will get super pale. Its super random and lasts less than a minute, but her face and comb turn very pale pink, almost whitish before going back to normal. She doesn't seem to really notice this or act differently when this happens.

I've checked her thoroughly for lice and worms and come up with nothing, and she doesn't look or act sick at all. Im not sure if its a molting thing since my girls have yet to molt at all, and she's had this strange thing for a month now.
I noticed that when its hot out her face gets super pale, regardless if she's panting or not so maybe she's heat sensitive or something? Another thing to mention is that out of all of my wyandottes, she was the slowest growing hen and to this day she has a noticeably smaller comb and waddles than her hatchmates. I dont know if that has anything to do with it but I thought it would be worth mentioning.
Anybody have any idea on what this could be? She just had another pale face moment this afternoon, I think it might have to do with the heat but Im not 100% sure.
I wish i knew!! A bunch of my ladies are doing the same thing. They look almost tired like their faces go pale and they look like they have bags under their eyes like someone really tired. They arent acting any different either. Mine have not molted yet either and it super hot this past week. I am hoping it has to do with that.

On a side note, i gave them a chunk of frozen yogurt (like actual yogurt frozen, not ice cream) and they loved it and their faces went dark red. Maybe they are just hot :idunno
I was just reading another thread and ppl suggested electrolytes and check their poo for worms. I hope someone else chimes in here too, but ill be doing that today and see if they look better tomorrow
I just checked my hens for worms and got nothing :/ maybe my hen is just getting overheated? We treated the flock to some watermelon and that made her face turn dark red for a few minutes before the 'flashing' started up again
I did elctrolytes last night and they look a little better. Its weird cuz mine just have white faces, their combs are still pretty red. I am gonna give them more frozen yogurt today and just gave them some cold apples to snack on.

I also read frozen blocks of canned corn in tbe summer is great for them. I might try that too. Maybe its just the heat. They are acting totally normal
How are your hens doing? We finally got some rain and a break in the heat, and my ladies faces look back to normal. I also got 27 eggs from 30 ladies yesterday, which is the highest ive had in awhile.
@PurpleCArTires Ive put a fan in the run and set up a mister and a wading pool for the flock, it seems to be helping. Luckily my wyandotte seems to be having less extreme 'flashes' now that things are a little cooler. I think Im going to assume its a heat related thing, but I do like the idea of adding some electrolytes (Ill have to look into that)
@PurpleCArTires Ive put a fan in the run and set up a mister and a wading pool for the flock, it seems to be helping. Luckily my wyandotte seems to be having less extreme 'flashes' now that things are a little cooler. I think Im going to assume its a heat related thing, but I do like the idea of adding some electrolytes (Ill have to look into that)
Awesome! Do your ladies actually get in tbe pool? Mine drink from it, but dont usually climb in

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