On day 3 of trying to hatch an egg in my boobs

IMO, you are still handling way too much.
That may be difficult to avoid with them so close to you.
I may only candle eggs once during an incubation but that is in a traditional incubator.
I have to take it out to turn it every couple hours and change the tissue paper at least once a day so it doesn't get too soggy, but I'll try to tone it down a bit.
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Today is day 10, baby is due on March 20th! :barnie :celebrate:love

This is just so incredible. I have apparently been subconsciously checking the temperature under my chest with my hand (because I'm somewhat stunned this is working!) so many times that my husband finally asked what I was doing.
:lau :lau :lau
"Ummm, nothing if you'll let me buy another incubator."
It is! The only time I take it out is to shower, and then it either goes under my fiance's...bits...or else into a nest of the softest warmest clothes I have...10 minutes tops and then back in it goes lol!

Lol. I was wondering about shower time ...

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