On lockdown, but humidity too low..how do I raise it!? Please, urgent!

yes, I have duck tape around the top edge. I have one small vent open (about the diameter of a pencil) that feeds a 240v PC fan pushing air over the heater lamps.

If I put warm/wet paper towels in there, will it not just spike then come back down?
I think you'd still have more surface area that way. if you have a way to blow the air from the heat lights over the water that should cause more evaporation. It's more about surface area, but also evaporation occurs more if your water is heated in some way. You could use a small reptile heating pad too under the water container . I'm not really sure what setup you have going.
I have the same problem. This entire incubation I've had 52-56% humidity. I have two cups with water, one with a rag and the other without, plus the incubator trays have water and I still cant seem to get the humidity higher. I have just a tiny amount of condensation around the incubators widow. Today is hatch day and I'm not too sure what this batch will look like. I'm hatching buttons in a 2100 still air incubator. Any advice? I will try popping in a steamy rag or something...

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