On sale at Cabela's - a very good processing table for $50

Life is Good!

9 Years
Apr 14, 2011
suburbia Chicagoland
Thought some of you might not have seen this in their ad -
A processing table for 1/2off - $50 (not $99). The link is here: http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fold...essing+table&WTz_l=Header;Search-All+Products

Used the table for the first time today - and am VERY pleased with it. Has a great clip on the side to hold the hose at the ready, all you need are one trashcan and one drywall bucket - was used here with great success. The table was taller than anything else we had - I think the box said 34" tall? - was a good height and didn't have a sore back from bending over incorrectly.

Good purchase if you're doing a lot of processing. Kinda small if you've got two birds on it at once, but works well for just 1. Thought you'd like to know!

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