On the way to E.R.


Mar 8, 2018
New Mexico
My husband was cutting up sage bushes and slashed his left hand pretty bad. We are on the way to the E.R. He is the one driving because his 20 year old son (who lives with us) doesn't know how to drive and i don't see well enough.

We had to stop so they could add gasoline from a gas can cus the truck ran out. While he was adding the gas a man stopped to find out the problem. Hubby told him he cut his hand bad and was heading to the E.R. The man asked if we had enough gas and hubby daid "I hope so". The man told my husband to stop at the gas station when we passed through the reservation and get gas and tell the attendant to charge it to him

That is how people are here. Always willing to help in what ever way is needed.
As nurse put a tournaquet on my husband's wrist till the doctor decided what to do first.

Stiches were put in inside and outside. An Xray was done and it showed the saw that cut his hand had also chipped a bone, so a round of IV antibiotics are being given along with IV pain meds. Then he will be bandaged and splinted. In a couple days he is supposed to see a hand doctor at the VA hospital in Albuquerque. The photo is my hubby and a doctor doing his stiches.


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